Monday, December 23, 2019

Energy Conservation Essay - 1345 Words

The topic of energy is one that is seen in the news more and more as each day passes. As most Americans can tell you these days, energy is essential for industrial and technological development in this or any other country. However, some believe that certain traditional methods of producing energy, such as burning fossil fuels, are depleting the earth’s limited supply of natural resources and may also be harmful to the environment. They encourage the use of renewable sources of power, such as wind turbines or hydroelectric plants. While some debate humans being the cause of climate change, others believe mankind has barely made a mark on what our planet has to offer us. Conserving energy has nearly become as important an issue as producing†¦show more content†¦The need for coal sparked the American Industrial Revolution and introduced new inventions such as the steam engine. Petroleum oil, another non-renewable resource, is found beneath the earth’s surface and is collected through oil drilling. The conversion from oil to gasoline allowed for the invention of the automobile. Today, Petroleum is perhaps our most valuable source of fuel. Oil drills and refineries can be found all over the world, and the demand for this fuel has grown so great that it has caused a worldwide crisis. While some countries depend on oil as a source of fuel, others depend on exporting oil as their primary source of income. â€Å"The U.N. Security Council has terminated its authorization of foreign military operations in Libya. And as of tomorrow night, NATOs bombing campaign there will be over. Libyans now have to focus on the future, which includes reconstruction after the devastation of war. Some of the money for that effort may come from the countrys oil wealth† (CAN OIL FUEL LIBYAS RECONSTRUCTION? 1). The burning of fossil fuels has become a notorious cause of pollution. From contaminants being released into the atmosphere to oceans being devastated from oil spills, the earth’s ecosystem is suffering thanks to years of thoughtless fuel consumption. Excessive utilization of coal and oil for generation of electricity leads to the multiple problems of acid rain, and rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. There areShow MoreRelatedConservation of Energy1736 Words   |  7 Pages#7 CONSERVATION OF ENERGY OBJECTIVE The purpose of this experiment is to calculate the gravitational potential energy through experimental values, to calculate the theoretical potential energy given the experimental kinetic energy in an isolated system while also using the kinetic energy to find the spring constant, and to compare kinetic energies and potential energies in an isolated system to see if they are equivalent. 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