Monday, August 24, 2020

The Role of Women in Global Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The Role of Women in Global Politics - Essay Example There are numerous offices which would advance equity in legislative issues including IDEA or the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, the United Nations, and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs. This is an investigation of ladies' political support on the planet today. Alongside that will be an investigation of individual areas with respect to ladies' political support and procedures and suggestions remembering shares toward connecting with ladies for the political procedures around the world. As indicated by the United Nations, the main nation to give ladies the option to cast a ballot was New Zealand in 1893. The UN keeps on expressing that lone twenty-eight ladies worldwide have been chosen as heads of state or government in this century. Ladies right now would just hold 11.7 percent of the seats on the planet's parliaments. The first and right now just similarly dispersed male and female conciliatory bureau had a place with Sweden in 1995. The United Nations isn't safe to the bends of people inside its positions having just seven ladies serving in the midst of an aggregate of 185 of the most elevated positioning ambassadors. Between the years 1987 and 1996, the level of female bureau priests overall rose from 3.4 to 6.8 percent. Ladies have been confronting numerous obstructions to their interest in ... This figure has expanded throughout the year, yet it has just expanded an extremely insignificant percent so even now, ladies in governmental issues despite everything stays removed. So as to oversee expanding the degree of female portrayal and cooperation in dynamic, the different administering and dynamic bodies require very much created methodologies and data on which measures have worked effectively in various nations with various political frameworks. Thought stays focused on the arrangement of similar data on the most proficient method to propel sexual orientation and popularity based issues by and large, and how at that point to advance interest and portrayal of ladies in political life explicitly. In an exhibition, 27 ladies had won political seats in the second authoritative chamber known as the DPD. These 27 ladies would establish more than one fifth of complete enrollment of what news sources have named the senate. The way that in excess of 20% of the DPD seats were won by ladies was unforeseen overall under the thought that Indonesia's first popularity based races are so later, having happened in 1999. A slight rate, just nine percent, of ladies had caught situates in the House of Representatives. Elements influencing this would incorporate that the discretionary framework utilized for the DPD is known to be disadvantageous for ladies up-and-comers. The Pakistani political arrangement of bookings for ladies would be 17 percent of seats in the national and common congregations and 30 percent of seats in locale and board gatherings. Dr. Reyes noticed that it would be particularly imperative to offer help and preparing for ladies in Pakistan who might be chosen for these held seats. Ms. Norden clarified how in Sweden the framework

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Are Art Woks Forgeable Essay Example For Students

Are Art Woks Forgeable Essay I accept that some fine arts are produce capable and others are most certainly not. This relies entirely upon the kind of work the workmanship is, for instance a painting might be produced yet a bit of music may not. Canvases can be viewed as to be done when the first craftsman gets done with painting, after this the demonstration of making the fine art is finished. In this manner if another craftsman paints something very similar, precisely indistinguishable from the first, it is supposed to be produced. By taking a gander at these 2 works of art next to each other, they may give off an impression of being indistinguishable, and even an expert craftsman will most likely be unable to tell which is the first and which has been produced. This makes it difficult to contend that one is genuine and the other fashioned, as we might be not able to differentiate between the 2 pieces until somebody educates us with regards to which was painted by whom. Since they may seem to be indistinguishable from an eyewitness, does this imply they are both as stylishly satisfying as one another? Or on the other hand is that needy in who has painted it and why? I accept that the tasteful incentive inside an artistic creation or model isn't possibly to do with what happens when one just glances at it yet in addition what an individual feels or encounters while taking a gander at the work of art. Another factor might be what the first craftsman needed to depict in this bit of workmanship. The central interesting point in deciding fabrication is â€Å"intent to deceive†. So for instance a layman endeavoring to make one of his works of art look like a Picasso, is intentionally misdirecting as he is professing to be something he isn't. Conversely an ensemble performing each by Beethoven isn't falsification as it was composed to be performed and they are not guaranteeing that it is a unique piece, they are essentially playing out the piece Beethoven created. Accepting music for instance of a work of art that can't be produced, we take a gander at the issue of arranger and the genuine presentation. Is the fine art complete after an arranger wraps up the score for a specific piece? This can't be valid as then the piece will never have been performed or heard by a group of people. In this sense we can portrayed it similar to a 2 phase work of art. We may portray canvases and different works of art like these, for example, forms and even structures autographic, if any duplication of them is supposed to be a phony. In this way we may portray music as allographic and accordingly can't be fashioned. To examine this inquiry we should initially take a gander at a meaning of sex. This might be troublesome as sex can allude to various things, particularly on the off chance that we are discussing sexual movement instead of sex when all is said in done. In the customary feeling of the word, sex is depicted as penile-vaginal intercourse (PVI) between a hetero male and female accomplice. This view has been broadly censured over the past number of years by numerous rationalists. This view is heteronormative and consequently rejects every single other structure as sex, for example, oral or butt-centric sex, which many would depict as a sort of sexual action. Sex in the more extensive feeling of the term would incorporate acts, for example, oral and butt-centric sex, in spite of the fact that these demonstrations may just include one partner’s sexual organs. The contrast between these types of sex and PVI sex can principally be seen through the hugeness that individuals place on them. For instance numerous hetero couples may take part in non-penetrative sex as an option to PVI to stay away from pregnancy or save their virginity, likewise they may utilize these types of sexual action before having full sex. This shows the diverse importance that is set on a wide range of kinds of sex. .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .postImageUrl , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .focused content territory { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:hover , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:visited , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:active { border:0!important; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; obscurity: 1; progress: murkiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:active , .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:hover { haziness: 1; progress: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: obscurity 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .focused content region { width: 100%; position: re lative; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content enrichment: underline; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; outskirt span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-fringe range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u8bd780526fe77 2856006d33f258fe06f .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u8bd780526fe772856006d33f258fe06f:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Aatumetid end Nun-Aatumetid Dete: EssayI accept that sex isn't carefully for hetero couples participating in penetrative sex, however can likewise incorporate an assortment of different types of sexual movement. This at that point incorporates types of sex for gay couples and furthermore masturbation. ?Masturbation can likewise be classed as sexual movement despite the fact that it just includes one member. Masturbation might be penetrative or non penetrative and may include articles, for example, sex toys. This doesn't appear to fall under a similar classification of sex however can be classed as a sexual movement and thusly in volves genitalia. On the off chance that I contrast sex with a work of art I can delineate my point further. For a work of art to on a very basic level be a painting there must be paint required, without having paint it just turns into another type of craftsmanship, comparatively, sex that doesnt include genitalia turns into an alternate demonstration all together. Individuals may contend things like fixations or wrinkles can be sex, however even tho these demonstrations don't include direct contact of genitalia, they despite everything include excitement which thusly includes the conceptive organs. ?Because of the focuses I have talked about, I bolster the end that in people, sex is a movement, which essentially includes genitalia.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

How to Write an Introduction

How to Write an Introduction How to Write an Introduction That Will Hook Your Reader Instantly How to Write an Introduction That Will Hook Your Reader Instantly How many times have you sat down to write your paper and gotten stuck right at the very first intro line? Learning how to write an introduction is a vital component of writing any type of assignment, whether it’s an essay or a research paper. But it’s not always easy. You’ve got your evidence ready to go, your body paragraphs planned out, and your thesis statement built. Now it’s time to work on an introduction to everything that transitions properly into your work. This part is often overlooked and more often than not, students get stuck throwing in generic statements and sensational narratives that might hook the reader, but they don’t communicate your arguments. Sometimes they just aren’t relevant at all. If this sounds like your typical writing process, you’re not alone. That’s why we’re here to help you out. So, without further adieu, let’s dig deep into the lesson and learn how to write an introduction. Introductions Matter When you’re learning how to write an introduction, it’s important to start with the why. Sure, you know every paper needs a good introduction, but you may be wondering why it really matters. The more you understand that, the stronger your writing becomes. This is where you introduce your topic and give the reader a sense of what you’re going to talk about. Think of it like a first impression for your assignment. Just like first impressions matter in a job interview, the first impression of your paper matters, too. You don’t usually get a second chance to make them, so nail it the first time. Simply put, without an introduction to your paper, how is your reader going to know what they’re getting themselves into? Would you really want to read an essay that didn’t really explain what it was about and expected you to just figure it out in the body paragraphs? You wouldn’t, and neither does your reader. Why Learning How to Write an Introduction is Vital For Any Assignment Your introduction indicates the position you’re going to take in the paper. It provides context to set up all of the points you’ll make in your body paragraphs. Think of it like a map to your paper that shows the reader where they’re going. No surprises, no roadblocks just solid arguments and evidence about the main point. So, when it comes to figuring out how to write an introduction, make sure you remember this above everything else. A weak introduction sets the tone that the rest of your paper is going to be dull. If you don’t nail this, the rest of your paper will seem bleak and uninteresting. Not to mention, everything won’t flow the way you think it will and that could lose you some marks. View this post on Instagram ?? A friendly reminder that our GIVEAWAY #2 WIN A FREE ESSAY deadline has been extended to November 27 @ 11:59 P.M. EST. Dont forget to enter!! A post shared by Homework Help Global (@homeworkhelpglobal) on Nov 26, 2019 at 7:18am PST How Long Should My Intro Be? This is a great question, and one of the first things you consider when learning how to write an introduction that fits in properly. Sometimes students will try to stuff the introduction with more words to take up more space so they can reach the page count, but we assure you that your professors know when you do this. The length of an essay introduction should be relative to the length of your paper. If your paper is, say, five pages, your introduction paragraph should be no more than about half a page. Likewise, if your paper is twenty pages, it can be one or two pages long. Your introduction paragraph should be long enough to answer some of the following questions (they may vary depending on the type of assignment you’re writing): ? Why are you writing this paper? ? Why should your reader care about this paper? ? What arguments are you going to make? ? What is your position on the topic (if you need to make one)? ? How will you capture the reader’s attention long enough to get them to pay attention? The answers to these questions will help you formulate your introduction paragraph, from that catchy first line to a strong thesis statement. Elements of an Essay Introduction In episode 69 of The Homework Help Show below, Cath Anne is going to go through more details to show you how to write an introduction. But before we get there, let’s dissect the basics. A typical essay introduction structure should resemble an upside down triangle. You start broad (but not too broad), and then narrow down to eventually get to your specific thesis statement. Need help with that thesis statement? Check out our blog on how to write a thesis statement, where we go more in depth with our best tips and tricks. Start with broad context that gives the reader some background information they’ll need to know to understand the topic. This part should include only relevant information that will relate to the arguments you’re going to make. Depending on the topic of your paper, you could choose to provide some historical background, social context, or explanation of specific keywords that will appear when you discuss your evidence. Save the deep dive for your body paragraphs. Then, narrow it down to get to the point, which leads directly into your thesis. Most importantly, your introduction needs to be interesting. Write something that inspires your reader to keep going. Avoid These Overrated Intro Lines Before you go and look for some generic quote to throw in as your opening line, stop and think. Your professors are sick of seeing the same lines over and over again being used as the hook of your introduction. The key to learning how to write an introduction is avoiding overrated, overused intro lines that will only make your professor or your reader roll their eyes. ? Dictionary definitions: Anyone can Google the dictionary definition of something. When you start your introduction paragraph this way, it looks like you didn’t put any thought into it. ? Quotes: Avoid those motivational quotes, popular quotes, and Additionally, quotes are lazy. They might work for a blog post, but they’re not going to cut it for an academic assignment that’s worth a large part of your grade. ? Cliches: As New York Times writer Leslie Jamison puts it, cliches are “substitutes for exploration.” Sure, they sound great in personal narratives, but leave them out of your academic work. It makes it look like you’re avoiding doing research and are taking a shortcut with an overused phrase your professor has heard millions of times before. ? Sweeping phrases or claims like “Throughout history,” These are very general, sound like cliches, and most professors find these statements more annoying than anything else. ? Research questions based on the essay prompt: Your professor assigned this question, and is going to receive a ton of different answers to it. They want to see something new and original in your assignment. Sometimes these items can be okay depending on the specific context of your assignment, but it’s best to avoid them whenever you can. For example, a quote might work if it comes from an expert in the field that reveals something new or shocking about your topic. View this post on Instagram ?? Im just going to sit back and relax I deserve it! A post shared by Homework Help Global (@homeworkhelpglobal) on Nov 18, 2019 at 11:00am PST So, What Does Make an Interesting Introduction Paragraph? If you looked at the above list of intro no-nos, you’re probably wondering, “What does make a good introduction, then?” And that’s a fair question. Here’s the real secret to determining how to write an introduction that really catches your professor’s eye from the very first line: nail down that hook. Don’t just jam it with something you think would be fun. Use something you know will work. Put a little bit of effort into it. Here are some ideas to try: ? A particularly interesting or startling statistic ? An anecdote or narrative ? Make a statement or misconception that you’re going to take a position against ? A thought-provoking question or scenario (that you will answer in the paper) ? Make an observation that leads into your thesis The point is to write something that will catch the eye before you get into the meat of your material. Make it really stand out and everything else will fall into place. Stuck getting the rest of your paper to fall into place? Read our ultimate guide to writing a good essay for more of our expert tips and tricks. It’s Time to Learn How to Write an Introduction That Will Hook Your Reader From The Start Now that we’ve prepared you to learn how to write an introduction, it’s time to dive in. Our top writer and Homework Help Show host, Cath Anne, is going to give you all the information you need to know for crafting an amazing essay introduction. Remember, if you’re not sure about your introduction paragraph and need a new one written, or if you could just use some pointers, Homework Help Global has your back. We provide custom essay writing services for students that can help you take your academic success to the next level, and save you tons of time in a pinch. Watch Episode 69 of The Homework Help Show Now One of the hardest part in writing an essay is knowing what to write and how to start. Students often think that you have to always start writing the introduction first but thats not always true. In this episode of the Homework Help Show, our top writer host, Cath Anne, discusses some tips that can help you to write an introduction. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Introductions are one of the most important components of an essay. And because they are the first thing that many readers write, you want to make sure that you start off with a bang. Last week we discussed how to start an essay this week. Lets get a little bit more specific and talk about how to write an introduction. Hi, guys, and welcome back to our channel. Cath Anne: [00:00:34] My name is Cath Anne and this is The Homework Help Show hosted by Homework Help Global here on the show. We provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Now, before we jump into the content, I wanted to remind you to hit that notification bell so that you can be reminded every time we post you academic content. Also, if you do like our content, make sure to subscribe to our channel. So you still get reminders when we are posting new academic content. And as always, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook as well for updates and information on new collaborations and new information on our organization. Cath Anne: [00:01:24] OK, lets jump in. Now, a good strong introduction provides a broad overview of what you will discuss in your essay. It also helps the reader to learn about what youre going to be discussing and hopefully it will keep them wanting to read more. Now lets discuss some tips on how to write a strong introduction and keep our professors from banging their head against the wall. Cath Anne: [00:01:51] Tip number one, begin broad but not too broad. Sometimes students think that it is a good idea to delve in and discuss everything that revolves around a certain topic that has ever been researched or discussed. Now this approach might become a little too confusing for your reader. It is better to narrow your topics specifically in the introduction. The introduction should provide your reader with a sense of what they should expect on the topic and not discuss every little thing that has ever been written on your topic. In particular begin broad, but then and narrow into your thesis and keep it specific as you move into your essay. Cath Anne: [00:02:38] Tip number two, discuss a relevant background information, but dont delve in to the full content of your essay. It is OK to offer some context to your essay. However, the main meat of your essay should be throughout your body paragraphs. You can hint to what youll be discussing in your introduction and give your reader a sense of what they can expect in the essay. But make sure that you dont give it all away because remember, you want them to continue reading the essay in order to decide how to incorporate things into your introduction or into your body paragraph. Consider whether it is context or evidence. True evidence should go in your body paragraphs and leave the context for your introduction. Cath Anne: [00:03:30] Tip number three, write a thesis statement. In general, a thesis statement should go towards the end of your introduction. Now, Im not going to go in-depth into a thesis statements because weve talked about it a lot here on our channel. We will link a video here so you can check out a video specifically related to writing a thesis statement. Remember, a thesis statement gives the overall idea, an argument that youre presenting in your essay. Cath Anne: [00:04:00] Tip number four, provide only helpful, relevant information. Now, anecdotes can be an interesting opener to your essay and you might want to include one. However, only if it is relevant to your topic. Are you writing an essay about Maya Angelou? Perhaps an anecdote about her childhood and how she got into writing might be an interesting way to open the essay that is relevant. Are you writing an essay about the book Moby Dick? Perhaps its not the best idea to provide an anecdote about how your friend read Moby Dick and they really didnt like it. Keep in mind whether the information or the anecdote is relevant to your topic. Keep this in mind with statistics, definitions, facts, or any other little tidbits of information that you think might make your introduction a little bit more interesting. Just make sure that its relevant to the rest of your essay. Cath Anne: [00:05:00] Tip number five, try to avoid clichés. Sometimes cliches can work. They might pack a punch, however, sometimes they are also overdone. One of these cliches is starting your essay with a definition. Starting an essay with the definition is an example of one of these conventions. Think about Michael Scott in The Office, you know how he always begins his speeches with, according to Oxford English Dictionary or according to Websters English Dictionary, and everyone always laughs or rolls her eyes. Websters dictionary defines wedding as the fusing of two medals with a hot torch. Thats because opening an essay or a speech with a quotation or a definition is a little bit overdone and tired at this point. Because it has been overdone it might come across as a little boring to your reader and cause your reader to tune out. Think of a more creative, engaging way to start your introduction. Cath Anne: [00:06:12] Tip number six dont feel pressured to write your introduction first. Personally, I find that my writers block is strongest when I am first beginning an essay. I find that it can help to get myself writing first, fill out some of the body paragraphs, complete the outline, even work on the conclusion, and then come back to the introduction. Once youve written the remainder of your essay, youll have a stronger sense of how you want to start your essay, and youll be more likely to start off with a really strong introduction. Cath Anne: [00:06:47] Tip number seven Convince your reader that your essay is worth reading. A good introduction will really grab your reader and make them feel engaged. From the get go. The purpose of an introduction is to grab the reader, suck them in, and let them know that you have something interesting to say. Essentially, you want to hook your reader so that theyre interested in learning how you are going to make your argument on a really relevant and interesting topic. A good way to engage your reader off the get go is to provide information that perhaps they disagree with, or perhaps you present something a little controversial. This will help them to feel engaged in the material and make them want to keep reading. Once they are thinking about the topic, they are more likely to become engaged and theyll want to know how youll make your argument. Cath Anne: [00:07:45] Basically, a good introduction provides your reader with an overview of your topic. A good introduction is interesting, engaging and to the point. A great introduction doesnt provide irrelevant information, doesnt rely on cliches. Its direct, concise and on topic. Cath Anne: [00:08:07] Okay, guys, that is it for me this week. I hope this episode was a benefit. As always, we always love to hear from you. So please jump into the comments section below and let us know if these videos have been helpful for you. Wed also love to see if you would like any other content from us. As always, you can connect with us on social media. All of our platforms are linked and listed in the description box below. So make sure to check us out on Instagram, Facebook and all of our other social media platforms. If you like this video and found it helpful. Make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel so you dont miss out on any of our future content. Okay, guys, thank you guys so much for joining me. Talk soon and take care. How to Write an Introduction How to Write an Introduction That Will Hook Your Reader Instantly How to Write an Introduction That Will Hook Your Reader Instantly How many times have you sat down to write your paper and gotten stuck right at the very first intro line? Learning how to write an introduction is a vital component of writing any type of assignment, whether it’s an essay or a research paper. But it’s not always easy. You’ve got your evidence ready to go, your body paragraphs planned out, and your thesis statement built. Now it’s time to work on an introduction to everything that transitions properly into your work. This part is often overlooked and more often than not, students get stuck throwing in generic statements and sensational narratives that might hook the reader, but they don’t communicate your arguments. Sometimes they just aren’t relevant at all. If this sounds like your typical writing process, you’re not alone. That’s why we’re here to help you out. So, without further adieu, let’s dig deep into the lesson and learn how to write an introduction. Introductions Matter When you’re learning how to write an introduction, it’s important to start with the why. Sure, you know every paper needs a good introduction, but you may be wondering why it really matters. The more you understand that, the stronger your writing becomes. This is where you introduce your topic and give the reader a sense of what you’re going to talk about. Think of it like a first impression for your assignment. Just like first impressions matter in a job interview, the first impression of your paper matters, too. You don’t usually get a second chance to make them, so nail it the first time. Simply put, without an introduction to your paper, how is your reader going to know what they’re getting themselves into? Would you really want to read an essay that didn’t really explain what it was about and expected you to just figure it out in the body paragraphs? You wouldn’t, and neither does your reader. Why Learning How to Write an Introduction is Vital For Any Assignment Your introduction indicates the position you’re going to take in the paper. It provides context to set up all of the points you’ll make in your body paragraphs. Think of it like a map to your paper that shows the reader where they’re going. No surprises, no roadblocks just solid arguments and evidence about the main point. So, when it comes to figuring out how to write an introduction, make sure you remember this above everything else. A weak introduction sets the tone that the rest of your paper is going to be dull. If you don’t nail this, the rest of your paper will seem bleak and uninteresting. Not to mention, everything won’t flow the way you think it will and that could lose you some marks. View this post on Instagram ?? A friendly reminder that our GIVEAWAY #2 WIN A FREE ESSAY deadline has been extended to November 27 @ 11:59 P.M. EST. Dont forget to enter!! A post shared by Homework Help Global (@homeworkhelpglobal) on Nov 26, 2019 at 7:18am PST How Long Should My Intro Be? This is a great question, and one of the first things you consider when learning how to write an introduction that fits in properly. Sometimes students will try to stuff the introduction with more words to take up more space so they can reach the page count, but we assure you that your professors know when you do this. The length of an essay introduction should be relative to the length of your paper. If your paper is, say, five pages, your introduction paragraph should be no more than about half a page. Likewise, if your paper is twenty pages, it can be one or two pages long. Your introduction paragraph should be long enough to answer some of the following questions (they may vary depending on the type of assignment you’re writing): ? Why are you writing this paper? ? Why should your reader care about this paper? ? What arguments are you going to make? ? What is your position on the topic (if you need to make one)? ? How will you capture the reader’s attention long enough to get them to pay attention? The answers to these questions will help you formulate your introduction paragraph, from that catchy first line to a strong thesis statement. Elements of an Essay Introduction In episode 69 of The Homework Help Show below, Cath Anne is going to go through more details to show you how to write an introduction. But before we get there, let’s dissect the basics. A typical essay introduction structure should resemble an upside down triangle. You start broad (but not too broad), and then narrow down to eventually get to your specific thesis statement. Need help with that thesis statement? Check out our blog on how to write a thesis statement, where we go more in depth with our best tips and tricks. Start with broad context that gives the reader some background information they’ll need to know to understand the topic. This part should include only relevant information that will relate to the arguments you’re going to make. Depending on the topic of your paper, you could choose to provide some historical background, social context, or explanation of specific keywords that will appear when you discuss your evidence. Save the deep dive for your body paragraphs. Then, narrow it down to get to the point, which leads directly into your thesis. Most importantly, your introduction needs to be interesting. Write something that inspires your reader to keep going. Avoid These Overrated Intro Lines Before you go and look for some generic quote to throw in as your opening line, stop and think. Your professors are sick of seeing the same lines over and over again being used as the hook of your introduction. The key to learning how to write an introduction is avoiding overrated, overused intro lines that will only make your professor or your reader roll their eyes. ? Dictionary definitions: Anyone can Google the dictionary definition of something. When you start your introduction paragraph this way, it looks like you didn’t put any thought into it. ? Quotes: Avoid those motivational quotes, popular quotes, and Additionally, quotes are lazy. They might work for a blog post, but they’re not going to cut it for an academic assignment that’s worth a large part of your grade. ? Cliches: As New York Times writer Leslie Jamison puts it, cliches are “substitutes for exploration.” Sure, they sound great in personal narratives, but leave them out of your academic work. It makes it look like you’re avoiding doing research and are taking a shortcut with an overused phrase your professor has heard millions of times before. ? Sweeping phrases or claims like “Throughout history,” These are very general, sound like cliches, and most professors find these statements more annoying than anything else. ? Research questions based on the essay prompt: Your professor assigned this question, and is going to receive a ton of different answers to it. They want to see something new and original in your assignment. Sometimes these items can be okay depending on the specific context of your assignment, but it’s best to avoid them whenever you can. For example, a quote might work if it comes from an expert in the field that reveals something new or shocking about your topic. View this post on Instagram ?? Im just going to sit back and relax I deserve it! A post shared by Homework Help Global (@homeworkhelpglobal) on Nov 18, 2019 at 11:00am PST So, What Does Make an Interesting Introduction Paragraph? If you looked at the above list of intro no-nos, you’re probably wondering, “What does make a good introduction, then?” And that’s a fair question. Here’s the real secret to determining how to write an introduction that really catches your professor’s eye from the very first line: nail down that hook. Don’t just jam it with something you think would be fun. Use something you know will work. Put a little bit of effort into it. Here are some ideas to try: ? A particularly interesting or startling statistic ? An anecdote or narrative ? Make a statement or misconception that you’re going to take a position against ? A thought-provoking question or scenario (that you will answer in the paper) ? Make an observation that leads into your thesis The point is to write something that will catch the eye before you get into the meat of your material. Make it really stand out and everything else will fall into place. Stuck getting the rest of your paper to fall into place? Read our ultimate guide to writing a good essay for more of our expert tips and tricks. It’s Time to Learn How to Write an Introduction That Will Hook Your Reader From The Start Now that we’ve prepared you to learn how to write an introduction, it’s time to dive in. Our top writer and Homework Help Show host, Cath Anne, is going to give you all the information you need to know for crafting an amazing essay introduction. Remember, if you’re not sure about your introduction paragraph and need a new one written, or if you could just use some pointers, Homework Help Global has your back. We provide custom essay writing services for students that can help you take your academic success to the next level, and save you tons of time in a pinch. Watch Episode 69 of The Homework Help Show Now One of the hardest part in writing an essay is knowing what to write and how to start. Students often think that you have to always start writing the introduction first but thats not always true. In this episode of the Homework Help Show, our top writer host, Cath Anne, discusses some tips that can help you to write an introduction. Looking for study tips, help with essay writing, or advice on how to be a better student? Welcome to The Homework Help Show, a weekly show where we teach, assist, and offer valuable insights for student life. From study hacks to writing tips, discussions about student mental health to step-by-step guides on academic writing and how to write a resume, weve got you covered. Want your questions answered? Write them below or join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #askHHG TRANSCRIPT: Cath Anne: [00:00:00] Introductions are one of the most important components of an essay. And because they are the first thing that many readers write, you want to make sure that you start off with a bang. Last week we discussed how to start an essay this week. Lets get a little bit more specific and talk about how to write an introduction. Hi, guys, and welcome back to our channel. Cath Anne: [00:00:34] My name is Cath Anne and this is The Homework Help Show hosted by Homework Help Global here on the show. We provide you with valuable content for your academic and student life. Now, before we jump into the content, I wanted to remind you to hit that notification bell so that you can be reminded every time we post you academic content. Also, if you do like our content, make sure to subscribe to our channel. So you still get reminders when we are posting new academic content. And as always, make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook as well for updates and information on new collaborations and new information on our organization. Cath Anne: [00:01:24] OK, lets jump in. Now, a good strong introduction provides a broad overview of what you will discuss in your essay. It also helps the reader to learn about what youre going to be discussing and hopefully it will keep them wanting to read more. Now lets discuss some tips on how to write a strong introduction and keep our professors from banging their head against the wall. Cath Anne: [00:01:51] Tip number one, begin broad but not too broad. Sometimes students think that it is a good idea to delve in and discuss everything that revolves around a certain topic that has ever been researched or discussed. Now this approach might become a little too confusing for your reader. It is better to narrow your topics specifically in the introduction. The introduction should provide your reader with a sense of what they should expect on the topic and not discuss every little thing that has ever been written on your topic. In particular begin broad, but then and narrow into your thesis and keep it specific as you move into your essay. Cath Anne: [00:02:38] Tip number two, discuss a relevant background information, but dont delve in to the full content of your essay. It is OK to offer some context to your essay. However, the main meat of your essay should be throughout your body paragraphs. You can hint to what youll be discussing in your introduction and give your reader a sense of what they can expect in the essay. But make sure that you dont give it all away because remember, you want them to continue reading the essay in order to decide how to incorporate things into your introduction or into your body paragraph. Consider whether it is context or evidence. True evidence should go in your body paragraphs and leave the context for your introduction. Cath Anne: [00:03:30] Tip number three, write a thesis statement. In general, a thesis statement should go towards the end of your introduction. Now, Im not going to go in-depth into a thesis statements because weve talked about it a lot here on our channel. We will link a video here so you can check out a video specifically related to writing a thesis statement. Remember, a thesis statement gives the overall idea, an argument that youre presenting in your essay. Cath Anne: [00:04:00] Tip number four, provide only helpful, relevant information. Now, anecdotes can be an interesting opener to your essay and you might want to include one. However, only if it is relevant to your topic. Are you writing an essay about Maya Angelou? Perhaps an anecdote about her childhood and how she got into writing might be an interesting way to open the essay that is relevant. Are you writing an essay about the book Moby Dick? Perhaps its not the best idea to provide an anecdote about how your friend read Moby Dick and they really didnt like it. Keep in mind whether the information or the anecdote is relevant to your topic. Keep this in mind with statistics, definitions, facts, or any other little tidbits of information that you think might make your introduction a little bit more interesting. Just make sure that its relevant to the rest of your essay. Cath Anne: [00:05:00] Tip number five, try to avoid clichés. Sometimes cliches can work. They might pack a punch, however, sometimes they are also overdone. One of these cliches is starting your essay with a definition. Starting an essay with the definition is an example of one of these conventions. Think about Michael Scott in The Office, you know how he always begins his speeches with, according to Oxford English Dictionary or according to Websters English Dictionary, and everyone always laughs or rolls her eyes. Websters dictionary defines wedding as the fusing of two medals with a hot torch. Thats because opening an essay or a speech with a quotation or a definition is a little bit overdone and tired at this point. Because it has been overdone it might come across as a little boring to your reader and cause your reader to tune out. Think of a more creative, engaging way to start your introduction. Cath Anne: [00:06:12] Tip number six dont feel pressured to write your introduction first. Personally, I find that my writers block is strongest when I am first beginning an essay. I find that it can help to get myself writing first, fill out some of the body paragraphs, complete the outline, even work on the conclusion, and then come back to the introduction. Once youve written the remainder of your essay, youll have a stronger sense of how you want to start your essay, and youll be more likely to start off with a really strong introduction. Cath Anne: [00:06:47] Tip number seven Convince your reader that your essay is worth reading. A good introduction will really grab your reader and make them feel engaged. From the get go. The purpose of an introduction is to grab the reader, suck them in, and let them know that you have something interesting to say. Essentially, you want to hook your reader so that theyre interested in learning how you are going to make your argument on a really relevant and interesting topic. A good way to engage your reader off the get go is to provide information that perhaps they disagree with, or perhaps you present something a little controversial. This will help them to feel engaged in the material and make them want to keep reading. Once they are thinking about the topic, they are more likely to become engaged and theyll want to know how youll make your argument. Cath Anne: [00:07:45] Basically, a good introduction provides your reader with an overview of your topic. A good introduction is interesting, engaging and to the point. A great introduction doesnt provide irrelevant information, doesnt rely on cliches. Its direct, concise and on topic. Cath Anne: [00:08:07] Okay, guys, that is it for me this week. I hope this episode was a benefit. As always, we always love to hear from you. So please jump into the comments section below and let us know if these videos have been helpful for you. Wed also love to see if you would like any other content from us. As always, you can connect with us on social media. All of our platforms are linked and listed in the description box below. So make sure to check us out on Instagram, Facebook and all of our other social media platforms. If you like this video and found it helpful. Make sure to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel so you dont miss out on any of our future content. Okay, guys, thank you guys so much for joining me. Talk soon and take care.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Domestic Violence - 1120 Words

Why didn’t she leave? Why did she marry him? She must have done something to provoke him. She chose to have kids with him and to stay with him. These are the resounding questions and statements that one hears when discussing domestic violence. When video broke of NFL player Ray Rice, hitting and knocking out his then girlfriend Janay, those were the types of questions that erupted on social media. Instead the question should have been, â€Å"Why did he hit her?†, â€Å"Why didn’t he show any emotion or remorse?† â€Å"What is wrong with him?† This is known as victim blaming, and it is unfortunately all too prevalent in our society today. Domestic violence is a dirty little secret that no one wants to talk about, but until we do, this epidemic of victim†¦show more content†¦The language we use needs to put the focus on the perpetrator and the acts they committed, not the other way around. The victim is just that, the victim. They in no way s hould be blamed for the actions of another and that needs to be the focus of the language when discussing the domestic violent actions. When the Ray Rice story broke, there was much discussion about what should be done by the NFL to punish him for his actions. He was ultimately suspended and cut from his team the Ravens. For the most part, perpetrators get a slap on the wrist. They may or may not be arrested. They may have to go to domestic violence classes. Law enforcement may or may not be empathetic towards the victim. Each state has its own set of consequences for perpetrators. In some states the victim can even be fired due to the domestic violence she or he is experiencing while the perpetrator remains unscathed. Perpetrators should be prosecuted. Perpetrators should have a consequence, not the victim. There should be a protocol followed by professional sports, law enforcement, prosecutors so that the seriousness of the offense is understood by all. A slap on the wrist is not enough to show the serious negative impacts domestic violence can have. And if our law enforcement and courts do not take it seriously, how can anyone else? This lack of consistency helps to foster the victim blaming mentality. BlamingShow MoreRelatedDomestic violence1229 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿ 3/1/13 Domestic Violence Persuasive Essay Final Draft â€Å"Every year, in the United States there are over 3 million incidents of reported domestic violence. Every year, 4,000 victims of domestic violence are killed.† (Domestic Violence: Disturbing Facts about Domestic Violence). Domestic violence is a crime that is not just committed in the United States, but worldwide. This crime is committed every day, every hour, every minute, and every second. Anybody can be a victim or the abuser. ThisRead MoreDomestic Violence1340 Words   |  6 PagesDomestic Violence is a problem sweeping the nation. This problem can affect anyone from anywhere but is generally acting out upon children and adult women in abusive relationships. Domestic violence is emotionally and physically scarring for anyone involved, and as a result could take multiple intervention meetings to begin to understand the issue, alleviate the associated problems, and to assist the victim in getting back on his or her feet. The consequences of abuse include anxiety, d epressionRead MoreDomestic Violence2691 Words   |  11 Pagestowards domestic violence have changed considerably. Once, the only avenue that existed for victims of domestic violence was through criminal law. Today, all states of Australia have enacted various forms of domestic violence legislation to deal with this growing problem within our communities. The Domestic and Family Violence Protection Act 2012 (Qld) provides a broader and more contemporary definition of what constitutes domestic and family violence. The legal definition of domestic violence is outlinedRead MoreDomestic Abuse And Domestic Violence Essay1365 Words   |  6 Pagesover 3 million incidents of domestic violence. That means that every nine seconds a women is beaten by her domestic partner† (Findeley). There are many women that stay silent when being abuse by their partners. The consequences of staying quiet when obtaining abuse can be dangerous and can also lead to death. Many women do not recognize the importance of the fact that there is in speaking out if they are being abuse by their partner. No woman should take domestic abuse by their partners. EveryRead MoreDomestic Violence And Public Violence Essay1231 Words   |  5 Pagesmillion people in the United States are affected by domestic violence. There are 8.8 million children who will witness domestic violence. Half of all victims of domestic violence will also experience the unimaginable pain of their child/children being abused alongside them. The fact is, domestic violence will affect or touch every person in their lifetime (Pence McMahon, 1999). There are many ground-breaking advocates of reducing domestic violence, though one stands out above the others. EllenRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence1237 Words   |  5 Pages1.0 Introduction Domestic violence or intimate partner violence can occur in any type of relationship. There are many types of domestic violence including; social, physical, emotional and spiritual. Domestic violence is all about one person wanting control and power over the other and it can be expressed in many ways. It can occur in more than one way such as; coercion, threats, intimidation, isolation, stalking, sexual abuse, and economic abuse. It can also be a single act or a pattern of behaviourRead MoreDomestic Abuse And Domestic Violence965 Words   |  4 PagesI chose to do the domestic survivors subculture I feel as if it was a great topic to focus on its going to reveal a lot of emotion. Domestic violence can happen to anyone. Domestic violence sometimes called battering is against the law. At first glance, it is hard to imagine why a victim of domestic violence would voluntarily remain in the relationship with the abuser. As you may know domestic violence doesn’t always start off as violence it starts off as in the form of love. The abuser feels asRead MoreThe Effects Of Violence On Domestic Violence1380 Words   |  6 Pagesobject to violence, because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent†, quoted by Mahatma Gandhi. Violence is defined as an unjust or unwarranted exertion of power or force to intentionally injure, damage, or destroy something or someone. Amongst the various types of violence, there is one in particular that has been causing an ongoing debate within societies across the world; this certain type of violence is known as domestic violence. Domestic violence, alsoRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence1535 Words   |  7 Pageslifetime (Domestic Violence Statistics, 2015). The topic that will be studied with the paper is intimate partner violence or another term that can be used is domestic violence. Domestic violence or intimate partner violence is the systematic pattern or control or power perpetuated by one partner against another (National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, n.d.). Throughout the paper the term domestic violence and intimate violence will be used interchangeably. The misconception is that domestic violenceRead MoreDomestic Violence And Sexual Violence859 Words   |  4 PagesDomestic violence occurs in all economic, ethnic, and social backgrounds of every society of the world. In Canada, 546, 000 men suffer from domestic violence; that equates to 6% of the male population (Family Violence). The number of women who are victimized through intimate violence total around 653, 000; that equates to 7% of the female population (Family Violence). The amount of abuse being directed towards men is essentially the same amount that is directed towards women. However, the family

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay Boston Tea Party - 1251 Words

December 16, 1773, an angry group of protesters snuck upon three British ships carrying tea, and threw over 90,000 pounds of tea into the harbor. However this was not the cause of the revolutionary war, it was multiple things that the British government did to the Americans to provoke them to fight back. Many think it was right what they did to the American colonist, but many know it was wrong and some even consider it to be illegal. The British Government put a tax on stuff for everyday use, like paper, stamps, tea, etc. The American colonist knew it was wrong and unlawful so some refused to pay the price of the tax. British soldiers went to those people and demanded the money, if refused again or unable to pay the person would be beaten†¦show more content†¦The government was close to repealing it, but then the king forced it and made it harder on them, so the colonist made it harder on the government. They took from them what they had taken. They were angry, annoyed, and tired of everything that the British had put them through so they set out to make them pay for what they had done and try to teach them a lesson. That night, December 16, 1773, one hundred angry protester snuck aboard three British ship that contained imported tea from an Indian company, 90,000 pounds of tea that would be equal to over 1,000,000 dollars in today’s time. It took the one hundred colonists over three hours, but they eventually threw all 343 chest of tea into the Boston harbor. This affected the government a great amount; it took a big chunk of money to buy that tea, which they thought the colonist would have to pay for. Seeing how outraged the colonist were, and that they meant business they government repealed taxes on some material need, like paper and stamps. Years later the taxes were brought back up, this act was called the â€Å"stamp act† it increased more than the first time and this enraged the colonist even more. The Boston tea party affecte d the government a lot, but not enough, so the colonist had to think of something else to do to get at them. The Government insisted on taxing them, all though not right they did it. The colonist had to revert back to hard ways with mo money and less freedom. Life was already hard enough forShow MoreRelatedThe Boston Tea Party746 Words   |  3 Pagessemester we discussed many different topics about modern world history. The topic that was most interesting to me was the Boston Tea Party. Many questions clouded my mind when we were talking about it. What lead to throwing the tea in the harbor? How did the â€Å"leader† of this act get people to go along with his plan? How did the British react, specifically the king? The Boston Tea Party is one of the most important protests that happened in history. The French and Indian war was expensive for the BritishRead MoreThe Actions Of Boston Tea Party1127 Words   |  5 Pages2015 The Actions That Led to Boston Tea Party: 1773 On December 16, 1773, American Patriots disguised themselves as Mohawk Indians boarded the ships of the East Indian Company docked in the Boston Harbor, and poured all the tea that was on the three ships into the ocean. They emptied three-hundred forty-two chests of tea which was valued at more than 10,000 pounds. This event became known as the Boston Tea Party. It was a reaction to the Tea Act of 1773. The Tea Party was the key event that startedRead MoreThe Boston Tea Party By Frankie951 Words   |  4 PagesThe Boston Tea Party By Frankie Introduction With the conflict between the British and the colonies intensifying over the rights of â€Å"taxation without representation†, both sides continued building more tension that lead up to the Boston Massacre. In this event, the British fired into a crowd of Boston Citizens killing five colonists and leading to a trial against the British soldiers. Now with the lack of the colonist s concede to the British demands, this lead the colonist refusing to pay taxesRead MoreEssay on Boston Tea Party1420 Words   |  6 PagesBoston Tea Party When the Boston Tea Party occurred on the evening of December 16,1773, it was the culmination of many years of bad feeling between the British government and her American colonies. The controversy between the two always seemed to hinge on the taxes, which Great Britain required for the upkeep of the American colonies. Starting in 1765, the Stamp Act was intended by Parliament to provide the funds necessary to keep peace between the American settlers and the Native AmericanRead MoreThe Success Of The Boston Tea Party Essay1707 Words   |  7 Pageswords of Margaret Mead, the American Cultural Anthropologists, summarize most historical events where people unite towards a purpose. The cultural identity of a country is molded when its people unite for a cause; one such event is the Boston Tea Party. The Boston Tea party is an important watershed in American history, one that determined the American identity forever. The establishment of independence from British colonization howev er did not happen overnight. The uprising was organized, carried outRead MoreThe Causes Of The Boston Tea Party4692 Words   |  19 Pages The Boston Tea Party was a direct protest by colonists in Boston against the Tea Tax that had been imposed by the British government. Boston patriots, dressed as Mohawk Indians, raided three British ships in Boston harbor and dumped 342 containers of tea into the harbor. There were many things that caused the Boston Tea Party to happen. There were acts such as the Sugar Act and the Currency Act that caused the Boston Tea Party to happen, which all had to do with money or taxes. The sugar act wasRead MoreEssay Boston Tea Party830 Words   |  4 Pages The Boston Tea Party nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Most people have heard about the Boston Tea Party. When American’s dumped British Tea in Boston Harbor. But not everyone understands the importance of it, and why the Tea Party is still remembered today. It was on December 16, 1773, when American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians threw 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company from ships into Boston Harbor. â€Å"The Americans were protesting both a tax on tea (the TownshendRead MoreThe Success Of Boston Tea Party1881 Words   |  8 PagesBoston Tea Party The colonies owned by Britain in North America, sought independence. Between the 1760s to present day a lot has changed. The effects of the Boston Tea Party have thrived throughout America ever since.The Boston Tea Party was a significant event in U.S. history, largely because of tea’s importance at that time, the acts of rebellion that occurred during the tea party, and the impacts they had on shaping today’s society. Carp stated that around the early 1580’s, Europeans adoptedRead MoreThe Boston Tea Party Of 1773994 Words   |  4 PagesThe Boston Tea Party of 1773 was a statement made by angry colonists to the British Parliament that enough was enough. The colonists were enraged over Parliaments constant abuse of power. They wanted their independence and Parliament wanted no part of that, which fueled their cause and the incidents thereafter will go down in history as the most important endeavors in history. Leading up to the revolt were events that further agitated the colonists and began to strain the relationship betweenRead MoreThe Revolution Of The Boston Tea Party1243 Words   |  5 PagesSons of Liberty s greatest protest was the Boston Tea Party. This act showed the government that they would do anything, even dump $1,700,000 worth of tea into the harbor for freedom. As a result of the Boston Tea Party the Coercive or Intolerable Acts were passed. These acts were to punish the colonies for their rebellious behavior and stop more of these protests. The Group The Sons of Liberty were the people responsible for the Boston Tea Party. They were a secret underground rebellion against

Dr. Doctor Free Essays

Dear Doctor, Yesterday, during lunch, my best friend and I were discussing sexually transmitted diseases and we got into quite a brawl about some of the myths and facts of them. It seemed like the only statement we both agreed on was that the topic about sexually transmitted diseases (and how each are transmitted and statistics) should be taught in school, just how biological information and abstinence are being educated. With that being said, I have quite a few questions to ask you. We will write a custom essay sample on Dr. Doctor or any similar topic only for you Order Now Is it still possible to get a sexually transmitted disease if you are abstinent? If a person is infected with a sexually transmitted disease, can you tell by their appearance? Is there a higher chance that you will be infected by a sexually transmitted disease if you’re in your teen years? Can STDS only spread through semen and blood? If a woman is on birth control, does that prevent her from obtaining an STD as well? Can you, in fact, catch an STD from a toilet seat? And lastly, once you have a sexually transmitted disease, there’s no chance of becoming infected again, right? These were a bunch of questions that seemed to be left unanswered yesterday and I was wondering if you might be able to clarify them for me as well as every other reader out there. Thank you Doctor. Sincerely, Confused reader. Dear â€Å"Confused reader†, I do appreciate taking time to write to me about your questions and I also agree with you that the educational system should do more to inform the youth about sexually transmitted diseases before it may be too late. Also, as for your questions.. Yes, there is still a chance that one might become infected with a sexually transmitted disease while remaining abstinent. Abstinence does not prevent AIDS, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C infections that come from nonsexual activities like using contaminated needles for doing drugs, unsterilized tattooing, or even taking steroids. You have no way of knowing if a person has a sexually transmitted disease just by looking at their appearance and observing how ‘clean’ they are. Even doctors often can’t tell by looking if people have STDs; that’s why tests involving a patient’s blood work were made. Most STDs have very few signs or no signs at all. Only in really extreme cases of certain STDs could a person detect signs of an STD in the groin area; but don’t rely on it. It’s even possible to carry and spread the virus without ever having an outbreak. The truth is, about one in four sexually experienced teens become infected with an STD. Unfortunately, you are correct on this one. Statistics show that two-thirds of sexually transmitted diseases occur in people who are under twenty- five and one in four girls between the ages of fourteen and nineteen were determined to have at least one of four sexually transmitted diseases (Human Papillomavirus [HPV], Chlamydia, Herpes Simplex Virus, and Trichomoniasis. ). Young people (ages from 15- 24) have five times the reported rate of Chlamydia of the total population, four times the reported rate of Gonorrhea, and three times the rate of Syphilis. While semen and blood can spread some sexually transmitted diseases, some STDs like herpes and syphilis can be spread by skin on skin contact. For example, when herpes flares up, an active sore appears on the person’s body and if this sore comes into contact with another person’s skin (or moist areas like the mouth, throat, and also areas with cuts and/ or rashes), it can spread. However, it can also spread before the blisters actually form. I’ve actually heard these two myths before and never understood how they came about. The birth control pill has the potential to prevent one thing, the prevention of pregnancy from occurring. It holds no protection against sexually transmitted diseases. As for the myth about being able to get a sexually transmitted disease from a toilet seat, organisms cannot survive outside of the human body for a long period of time. Some STDs are yours for life, like herpes and HIV. Others, like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, can be treated; but you more likely to get infected again, since you are now vulnerable to the disease if you have sexual contact with someone who has them. In young girls, the second time you have Chlamydia, there’s more damage to your reproductive tract, which may cause permanent infertility. I expect that you read everything that I have written and have more of an understanding on sexually transmitted diseases. Remember: No sex is always better than safe sex. Sincerely always, The Doctor. How to cite Dr. Doctor, Essay examples

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Smart Watches

Introduction There is need for radical transformation on how ageism has been perceived and handled over the years. Old age and the associated impacts of aging have led to myriads of health complications, loss of memory, high dependency level, and loss of social touch with events taking place in the immediate world. This essay briefly explores how technology can be embraced in order to minimize the effects of old age.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Smart Watches specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Problem statement The old generation faces a lot of social discrimination especially in the modern societies. Old age seems to be a bother to the young generation bearing in mind that old people often experience higher levels of dependency than the young generation. They are also faced with additional health complications that demand regular attention (Mann 2005, p.26). Moreover, old people are relatively slow in terms of responding to stimuli and therefore, they require assistance and guidance from time to time. However, there are ways through which modern technology can be adopted in order to combat the negative effects of old age. High-Level Requirements: assumptions Smart watches are wrist watches that have been invented so that they can improve the overall functioning of watches since most users have been unable to properly utilize the watch technology (Morley Charles 2008, p.62). They have been used to improve technology in connecting several people. In other words, this type of wrist watch is meant to offer users with additional features that can improve their social lives. Smart watches came into demand since they can be used for multiple purposes. For instance, they can be used to access the internet as any other computer. In addition, they can indicate updates on weather, sports, and traffic movement. Needless to say, electronic mails and several other sites connected to the internet can be accessed using a smart watch. Therefore, smart watches are specially designed to meet the needs of all types of people although individuals who are in old age can immensely benefit from this type of technology. Constraints The main constraint that faces this modern application is that most people are not ready and willing to embrace the new technology installed in smart watches. Google glasses are also able to interface most of the applications at ago to enhance usability. It also improves the performance of the various individuals who are using it. The technology will also be enhancing the reliability and the way people interact. Since Smart watches are worn on the wrists, the technology will enhance them to use it at any moment and at any place wherever they are. For example the smart watches can be used when cycling, swimming and also when jogging and at the various working places. They are light, consume less energy and are relatively cheap.Advertising Looking for report on aging? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Another challenge is the issue of size. Quite a number of users have argued that the size is not appealing as the display of the information is not as large as expected by most users. Background Smart watches are a type of wrist watches that have been designed with high level of interaction in order to offer multiple services to users especially those who are in old age (Stair George 2010, p.12). Users are able to maintain their social lives in spite of old age. Some of the core features and functions of this type of watch include data storage, sending messages through speaking, monitoring sugar level, blood pressure, and heart beat as well as taking and sharing both audio and video files. Smart watches use technology known as SPOT (Smart Personal Object Technology) that is aimed at bringing the power of technology to users.NET. They are computerized and they enhance low power consumption and low energy sources as compared to the other devices such as laptops and other technology related products. The main aim of building the smart watches is to improve communication and also make the gadgets more useful in the day to day lives. SPOT is a technology that is used to deliver the necessary information and domains that aid in improving the welfare of the technology used. SPOT uses the main mode of technology has the FM broadcasting does. IT delivers the web-based data that is related to the smart appliances such as the smart watches. Stakeholders The application and technology will be used by old people from all types of backgrounds. It will be modified by adding several vital applications so that old people will find it easy to use even in an environment with several communication barriers. Interaction mechanisms Easier and faster mode of communications will be applied to increase the rate at which the information is passed from one person to another. Some of the Input output devices that will be used in the project are the LCD displays, microprocessors and the numeric displays that are able to display to the users. The input and the output devices also enable users to boost their performance when interacting with the device. The private life and work environment of an individual using a smart watch will be improved due to the hardware used to manufacture the gadget. The vibration feedback integrated acceleration sensors installed in this type of watch will indeed boost the user’s experience (Heckman 2008, p.72).Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Smart Watches specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is definite that the user will be offered with a non-obtrusive interaction with the computerized watch. Since the watch will be able to recognize physical activities, an aged user will be able to complete his or her social life without relying on external assistance. References Heckman, D 2008, A Small World: Smart Houses and the Dream of the Perfect Day, Duke University Press, Durham. Mann, WC 2005, Smart Technology for Aging, Disability and Independence: The State of the Science, John Wiley Sons, Hoboken. Morley, D Charles, S.P 2008, Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Course Technology, Boston. Stair, R M George W. R 2010, Fundamentals of Information Systems, Course Technology Boston. This report on Smart Watches was written and submitted by user Colleen Wing to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Polands Count Casimir Pulaski and His Role in the American Revolution

Polands Count Casimir Pulaski and His Role in the American Revolution Count Casimir Pulaski was a noted Polish cavalry commander who saw action during conflicts in Poland and later served in the American Revolution. Early Life Born March 6, 1745, in  Warsaw, Poland, Casimir Pulaski was the son of Jozef and Marianna Pulaski. Schooled locally, Pulaski attended the college of Theatines in Warsaw but did not complete his education. The Advocatus of the Crown Tribunal and the Starosta of Warka, Pulaskis father was a man of influence and was able to obtain for his son the position of page to Carl Christian Joseph of Saxony, Duke of Courland in 1762. Living in the dukes household in Mitau, Pulaski and the remainder of the court were effectively kept captive by the Russians who held hegemony over the region. Returning home the following year, he received the title of starost of ZezuliÅ„ce. In 1764, Pulaski and his family supported the election of StanisÅ‚aw August Poniatowski as King and Grand Duke of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. War of the Bar Confederation By late 1767, the Pulaskis had become dissatisfied with Poniatowski who proved unable to curb Russian influence in the Commonwealth. Feeling that their rights were being threatened, they joined with other nobles in early 1768 and formed a confederation against the government. Meeting at Bar, Podolia, they formed the Bar Confederation and began military operations. Appointed as a cavalry commander, Pulaski began agitating among government forces and was able to secure some defections. On April 20, he won his first battle when he clashed with the enemy near PohoreÅ‚e and achieved another triumph at Starokostiantyniv three days later. Despite these initial successes, he was beaten on April 28 at Kaczanà ³wka.  Moving to Chmielnik in May, Pulaski garrisoned the town but was later compelled to withdraw when reinforcements for his command were beaten. On June 16, Pulaski was captured after attempting to hold the monastery in Berdyczà ³w. Taken by the Russians, they freed him on June 28 after forcing him to pledge that he would not play any further role in the war and that he would work to end the conflict. Returning to the Confederations army, Pulaski promptly renounced the pledge stating that it had been made under duress and therefore was not binding. Despite this, the fact that he had made the pledge reduced his popularity and led some to question whether he should be court-martialed. Resuming active duty in September 1768, he was able to escape the siege of Okopy Ã…Å¡wiÄ™tej Trà ³jcy early the following year. As 1768 progressed, Pulaski conducted a campaign in Lithuania in the hopes of inciting a larger rebellion against the Russians. Though these efforts proved ineffective, he succeeded in bringing 4,000 recruits back for the Confederation. Over the next year, Pulaski developed a reputation as one of the Confederations best field commanders. Continuing to campaign, he suffered a defeat at the Battle of Wlodawa on Sept. 15, 1769, and fell back to  Podkarpacie to rest and refit his men. As a result of his achievements, Pulaski received an appointment to the War Council in March 1771. Despite his skill, he proved difficult to work with and often preferred to operate independently rather than in concert with his allies. That fall, the Confederation commenced a plan to kidnap the king. Though initially resistant, Pulaski later agreed to the plan on the condition that Poniatowski was not harmed. Fall from Power Moving forward, the plot failed and those involved were discredited and the Confederation saw its international reputation damaged. Increasingly distancing himself from his allies, Pulaski spent the winter and spring of 1772 operating around CzÄ™stochowa. In May, he departed the Commonwealth and traveled to Silesia. While in Prussian territory, the Bar Confederation was finally defeated. Tried in absentia, Pulaski was later stripped of his titles and sentenced to death should he ever return to Poland. Seeking employment, he unsuccessfully attempted to obtain a commission in the French Army and later sought to create a Confederation unit during the Russo-Turkish War. Arriving in the Ottoman Empire, Pulaski made little progress before the Turks were defeated. Forced to flee, he departed for Marseilles.   Crossing the Mediterranean, Pulaski arrived in France where he was imprisoned for debts in 1775. After six weeks in prison, his friends secured his release. Coming to America In late summer 1776, Pulaski wrote to the leadership Poland and asked to be allowed to return home. Not receiving a reply, he began to discuss the possibility of serving in the American Revolution with his friend Claude-Carloman de Rulhià ¨re. Connected to the Marquis de Lafayette and Benjamin Franklin, Rulhià ¨re was able to arrange a meeting. This gathering went well and Franklin was highly impressed with the Polish cavalryman. As a result, the American envoy recommended Pulaski to General George Washington and provided a letter of introduction stating that the count was renowned throughout Europe for the courage and bravery he displayed in defense of his countrys freedom. Traveling to Nantes, Pulaski embarked aboard Massachusetts and sailed for America. Arriving at Marblehead, MA on July 23, 1777, he wrote to Washington and informed the American commander that I came here, where freedom is being defended, to serve it, and to live or die for it. Joining the Continental Army Riding south, Pulaski met Washington at the armys headquarters at Neshaminy Falls just north of Philadelphia, PA. Demonstrating his riding ability, he also argued the merits of a strong cavalry wing for the army. Though impressed, Washington lacked the power to give the Pole a commission and a result, Pulaski was forced to spend the next several weeks communicating with the Continental Congress as he worked to secure an official rank. During this time, he traveled with the army and on Sept. 11 was present for the Battle of Brandywine. As the engagement unfolded, he requested permission to take Washingtons bodyguard detachment to scout the American right. In doing so, he found that General Sir William Howe was attempting to flank Washingtons position. Later in the day, with the battle going poorly, Washington empowered Pulaski to gather available forces to cover the American retreat. Effective in this role, the Pole mounted a key charge which aided in holding back the British. In recognition of his efforts, Pulaski was made brigadier general of cavalry on Sept. 15. The first officer to oversee the Continental Armys horse, he became the Father of the American Cavalry. Though only consisting of four regiments, he immediately began devising a new set of regulations and training for his men. As the Philadelphia Campaign continued, he alerted Washington to the British movements that resulted in the abortive Battle of the Clouds on Sept. 15. This saw Washington and Howe briefly meet near Malvern, PA before torrential rains halted the fighting. The following month, Pulaski played a role at the Battle of Germantown on Oct. 4. In the wake of the defeat, Washington withdrew to winter quarters at Valley Forge. As the army encamped, Pulaski unsuccessfully argued in favor of extending the campaign into the winter months. Continuing his work to reform the cavalry, his men were largely based around Trenton, NJ. While there, he aided Brigadier General Anthony Wayne in a successful engagement against the British at Haddonfield, NJ in February 1778. Despite Pulaskis performance and a commendation from Washington, the Poles imperious personality and poor command of English led to tensions with his American subordinates. This was reciprocated due to late wages and Washingtons denial of Pulaskis request to create a unit of lancers. As a result, Pulaski asked to be relieved of his post in March 1778. Pulaski Cavalry Legion Later in the month, Pulaski met with Major General Horatio Gates in Yorktown, VA and shared his idea of creating an independent cavalry and light infantry unit. With Gates aid, his concept was approved by Congress and he was permitted to raise a force of 68 lancers and 200 light infantry. Establishing his headquarters at Baltimore, MD, Pulaski began recruiting men for his Cavalry Legion. Conducting rigorous training through the summer, the unit was plagued by a lack of financial support from Congress. As a result, Pulaski spent his own money when necessary to outfit and equip his men. Ordered to southern New Jersey that fall, part of Pulaskis command was badly defeated by Captain Patrick Ferguson at Little Egg Harbor on Oct. 15. This saw the Poles men surprised as they suffered more than 30 killed before rallying. Riding north, the Legion wintered at Minisink. Increasingly unhappy, Pulaski indicated to Washington that he planned to return to Europe. Interceding, the American commande r convinced him to stay and in February 1779 the Legion received orders to move to Charleston, SC. In the South Arriving later that spring, Pulaski and his men were active in the defense of the city until receiving orders to march to Augusta, GA in early September. Rendezvousing with Brigadier General Lachlan McIntosh, the two commanders led their forces towards Savannah in advance of the main American army led by Major General Benjamin Lincoln. Reaching the city, Pulaski won several skirmishes and established contact with Vice Admiral Comte dEstaings French fleet which was operating offshore. Commencing the Siege of Savannah on September 16, the combined Franco-American forces assaulted the British lines on Oct. 9. In the course of the fighting, Pulaski was mortally wounded by grapeshot while leading a charge forward. Removed from the field, he was taken aboard the privateer Wasp which then sailed for Charleston. Two days later Pulaski died while at sea. Pulaskis heroic death made him a national hero and a large monument was later erected in his memory in Savannahs Monterey Square. Sources NPS: Count Casimir PulaskiPolish-American Center: Casimir PulaskiNNDB: Casimir Pulaski

Monday, March 2, 2020

You Shouldnt Even Think About Buying a Research Paper

You Shouldn't Even Think About Buying a Research Paper Its the night before your paper is due, and you havent even started. Are you tempted to go online to buy a ready-made project? Dont do it! This could ruin your academic career. Here are a few things to know about buying a paper. 1. It is plagiarism, which is an academic crime. Plagiarism comes in many forms, but the basic definition is claiming credit for work that is not your own. The punishment for plagiarism is different from place to place, but every college or high school should have an honor code to deal with academic crime.2. Chances are, youll get caught. Teachers are pretty smart. If you turn in a paper that you didnt write, there will be lots of things about that paper to tip off your teacher. The tone and the research will not match your past work. As for college professors- please! These people research for a living. Dont try to outsmart someone who went to college for eight or ten years! Theyll catch on.3. The work is not reliable. Of course, the web site that offers great papers will claim the work is original and reliable. That is advertising. Dont believe it! The sources could be fake, the research could be sloppy, and the format wont match the assignment.4. Papers are sold and re-sold. Just imagine turning in a paper that the teacher has seen before!5. A fake paper wont match the assignment. If you buy a paper, it probably wont match the teachers assignment exactly. Teachers often word their assignments in a way to make them less generic, so students cant cheat.6. There is software for catching plagiarism. Many university faculty have access to software that scans papers and compares them to thousands of papers available on the web.7. Sometimes, parts of papers are used in several papers. People who write papers to sell often use the same phrases or sentences in many different papers. You could buy a paper that is guaranteed to be one-of-a-kind, but that paper could still contain phrases from other papers. Plagiarism software will pick up on this!8. It costs a lot of money! Do you really want to spend a hundred dollars or so, just to get out of an assignment? Is it worth the risk?9. Its not worth the risk. Students are kicked out of school for plagiarism or honor code violations all the time. Once that happens, its on record for good. There goes your future.10. You wont learn anything! Seriously. When you cheat at school or college, youre really only cheating yourself. Sound cheesy? Just think about it. Youre going to have lots more assignments in the future, and you cant buy your way out of all of them. It will catch up with you, one way or another. Â   Take a Cheating Quiz!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Consequences of the Rape of Nanking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Consequences of the Rape of Nanking - Assignment Example Japanese soldiers also raped 20,000 – 80,000 women. The rape of Nanking remains a contentious issue in politics. Some historical revisionists and Japanese nationalists dispute the event claiming that the massacre was exaggerated for propaganda purposes (Honda 45). There are enormous efforts by Japanese Nationalists to deny or rationalize Japanese war crimes. However, the controversy arising from the Rape of Nanking remains a stumbling block in Sino-Japanese relations. It is also a stumbling block to international relations between Japan and other Asia-Pacific nations such as South Korea and the Philippines (He 50). Many senior members of the Japanese high command were responsible for the atrocities committed by Japanese soldiers in Nanking including Emperor Hirohito. Emperor Hirohito made all the major decisions during the operation including the decision to invade China in 1937. Hirohito’s uncle, Prince Asaka was a key player in the operation because he ordered the Japanese soldiers to kill all captives. In addition, he was responsible for the gendercide against Nanking’s men. General Nakajima Kesago, commander of the 16th division was also held responsible for the Nanking Massacre. He ordered the beheading of two war prisoners as a test of his new sword (Yin and Young 284). In 1946-1947 there were war crimes trials in Nanjing. However, the trials only affected a few Japanese war criminals. Tani Hisao, a commander of the 6th division was sentenced to death in March 1947 and executed. The International Military Tribunal for the Far East (IMTFE) tried up to 30 key Japanese commanders. The tribunal tried Commander Matsui Iwane of the Central China Expeditionary Force. Matsui and other six ‘Class A’ war criminals were executed. General Yanagawa Heisuke and Lieut. General Nakajima Kesago died of a natural cause before they could be executed (Yamamoto 112). However, some members of the royal family who were also responsible for the Nanking massacre were not tried and executed.     

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Will Boots benefit from Treat Street or will it have a negative impact Dissertation - 1

Will Boots benefit from Treat Street or will it have a negative impact on the perception of their loyalty card - Dissertation Example The primary aim of this paper is to offer a set of plausible recommendation to Boots for developing a strong base of loyal consumers through a better consumer relationship and communications. In this process, the consumers’ perceptions and views regarding the loyalty programs and loyalty cards have to be analysed and identified for incorporating effective changes. In order to achieve this aim an extensive research has been conducted using a set of questionnaires. The questionnaire includes multiple types of open ended and close ended questions. The close ended questions are consists of likert scaled questions where five major factors have been mentioned say price discounts, exchange offers, gifts, enhanced value added services, redemptions and other miscellaneous benefits. These likert questions have been used for quantitative data analysis through data process methods. Besides, there are also three close ended questions which have been used for qualitative research purposes. There are three questions for close ended purposes which has been used to collecting comments for qualitative purposes. For better and higher rate of accuracy level, 100 respondents have been interviewed for collecting the primary data using the set of questionnaire. Higher range of sample size helps to reduce the sampling and other types of research related errors. The result of the surveys and interviews using the questionnaire are explained below and the relevancy of each question will also be discussed along with. Apart from the likert scale questions, there were three close ended questions which directly enquire regarding the loyalty card and brand. The first question aims to obtain the views of respondents about the relationship of loyalty cards and trust of the brand. This question strives to determine the influence of loyalty cards offering on consumers brand preferences. The following diagram represents the results of the respondents graphically. Figure 1: Do you feel loyal ty cards can help in improving trust with the brand? (Source: Author’s Creation) As per the above table, it can be observed that nearly 65% of the total respondent believes that loyalty cards are very effective for enhancing the trust with consumers with a specific brand. However, on the other hand, there were also 20% of respondents who do not consider that loyalty cards are effective in marinating better relationship with a brand by creating trustworthiness among them. Rest 15% of respondents are undecided or no sure that whether loyalty cards are really effective in shaping a better trust for a specific brand. As per the overall feedbacks from 100 respondents, it seems that loyalty cards are important for consumer relationship perspective. The next close ended question focuses on the influence of the loyalty card on the consumer’s purchasing decisions. Consumer’s buying process is complicated and influenced by a number of factors and among these factors, mark eting mix related factors plays very important role. The primary objective of marketing mix is to create value for the customers and in this respect loyalty cards are vital tool. The business organisation can influence the consumer’s behaviours by bringing effective changes in the marketing mix strategies. Therefore, this question is helpful got the Boots in reshaping their loyalty cards offering to influence the consumers’ buying decisions. The following figure presents the results of the survey. Figure 2: Does the aspect of loyalty card affect your purchase

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe Essay -- Fall House

The Fall of the House of Usher by Edgar Allen Poe Symbols and imagery of horror and death in a story touch the reader like a fingertip against a chord and can make the heart resonate with fear and woe as the suspended lute with tone. The verbal illustration that is used in the opening phrase in Edgar Allen Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher" is as strong as the imagery of dismay utilized throughout the rest of the story, like the dark and gloomy house. The vivid colors and visuals in the story not only force the reader to picture the surroundings in his or her mind, but also contain the hidden connotations of gravity and despair. The inclusion of sounds, like the "distinct, hollow, metallic, and clangorous, yet apparently muffled reverberation," (Poe 27) and aural references to musical instruments, such as the lute quote by De BÃ ©ringer suggests that the reader experience the mood of the tale in a more auditory and sensory appealing fashion. The mood of the story is one of horror that is set up by visual and aural stimulation a nd is well used in the tale of Roderick Usher. As in many of Poe's stories, the colors and images that describe the setting and characters are not only visually stimulating but carry dark connotations that give the story‚s horror more depth and feeling. The tale of the narrator‚s trip to the House of Usher begins with an eerie depiction of the building and its surroundings, the overview of the setting, "a scene in which decay and death are the presiding elements" (P.Quinn 85). In "A Key to the House of Usher," Darrel Abel notes that the description of the setting serves two purposes: suggest a mood to the observer which makes him properly receptive to the horrible ideas which grow in his... ...g of fright and shock. "If ever a mortal painted an idea, that mortal was" (21) Edgar Allen Poe. Works Cited: Abel, Darrel. "A Key to the House of Usher." Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Fall of the House of Usher. Ed. Thomas Woodson. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1969. 43-55. Gordon, Caroline and Tate, Allen. "View Points." Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Fall of the House of Usher. Ed. Thomas Woodson. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1969. 27-30. Poe, Edgar Allen. "The Fall of the House of Usher." The Prentince Hall Anthology of Science Fiction and Fantasy. Ed. Gary G. Roberts. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2001. 16-28. Quinn, Patrick F. "That Spectre in My Path." Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Fall of the House of Usher. Ed. Thomas Woodson. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1969. 82-90.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Conditions according to John Casey impact on Police Practice and Community Policing Essay

â€Å"Critically examine the conditions, which according to author John Casey impact both positively and negatively on the police practice required to implement a community policing strategy† There are a variety of conditions according to John Casey that impact both positively and negatively on police practice and on community policing strategies. Some impacts on these strategies are the types of model police practices such as democratic Anglo-peelian, continental, developing, and authoritarian regimes. Other conditions that impact on police practice and community policing strategies such as; country stability, community cohesion, pay rates of police, trust within the community and police, political agenda, resources for the police and means for reform and many more. Some of the most easily identified negative impacts that Casey (2010) expresses is the ethnic minorities in communities and the negative impacts that he explains reflected within these situations. Reinforcing these conditions and helping to express Casey’s (2010) concepts of impacts on police practice and community policing is Skolnick and Bayley, (1988) in ‘Theme and Variation in Community Policing’ as well as the Ontario Ministry Of Children And Youth Services, (2010) in ‘Community Policing Strategies’, Cordner (1995) in ‘Community policing: elements and effects’ and also Tyler (2005) with ‘Policing in black and white: Ethnic group differences in trust and confidence in the police’. A combination of Casey and these other authors can help to explain and identify the positive and negative conditions that impact on police practice and implementation of a community policing strategy. Before looking at individual conditions that positively and negatively impact directly on police practice and community policing, the main models of policing such as Anglo-peelian, continental, developing and authoritarian have shaped the current conditions. According to Casey (2010), Skolnick and Bayley, (1988) as well as the Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth services (2010) there is no one true meaning as to what community policing is as the meaning changes from culture and geographical location. In the past according to Cordner (1995), the idea of community policing was considered to be only an aspiration, but not an operational concept, which is still valid in some countries that are still developing. To this day though the concept of community based policing can basically be defined as working with a community, engage with it and co-operate together for the benefit of both the community (also known as the geographic residents of an area) and the police (Casey 2010). Casey (2010) argues how the idea and concept of community policing is now a global aspiration or goal for most countries in their policing practices, but it is important to recognize that the meaning is different for each country and may not be evenly used throughout. Development is still undergoing (Cordner 1995), but community policing is very much active now (Casey 2010). Anglo-Peelian (also known as democratic) mode is one of the main policing models in Western societies. The advantages that Casey (2010) explains are the effective response of police, better methods of preventing crime, more effective work and information by working with communities, making the citizen central is paramount in this model of policing. It is also effective as it can easily balance community welfare and the initial crime prevention roles and actions that the police undertake. In contrast to this approach, the continental policing model is similar to an extent. This can be seen from the basic principles for the reasoning of need for the introduction of community policing, (even though the continental community policing comes under a different name known as neighborhood policing (Casey 2010). The primary difference can be seen within the policing practice, for example, the continental policing practice such as in France, focuses on being more present in the community and operating in the community, as opposed to actually working with the community such as in the Anglo-peelian model. Another difference between these two policing models is that with the continental model according to Casey (2010), focuses more primarily on actual geographical locations, more central policing practice and state focused on militarized policing rather than emphasis on ethnic and racial minorities and communities such as the Anglo-peelian model. Developing countries are limited as they don’t have the growing and stable economy or community to generally maintain an effective community policing strategy. Majority of the police in developing countries are highly corrupt as a result of lack of morale, low pay, corruption and many other reasons. Countries still developing their communities within them are self-policing and governing rather than police governing. Skolnick and Bayley (1988) emphasis the limitations that models such as for developing countries may face as a result of lack of funds and resources to effectively improve the police standard and community policing. Finally the last policing model, the authoritarian practice according to Casey (2010) is said to be actually moving away from the general attempts to implement community policing in society such as within china (Skolnick and Bayley 1988). Community based policing encourages the cooperation of police and residents within communities. Without trust and co-operation such as found within the strict authoritarian model, there is a lack of information of crimes, possible minorities may form in retaliation of the policing strategies, and individuals may start to feel marginalised as well. There are positives and negatives found within all these different types of policing practices. There are a number of conditions that are concern and determine the effectiveness of policing practice and community policing. There are both positive and negative impacts of these conditions. Some general conditions according to Casey (2010) revolve around the stability of the community and the co-operation and cohesion of this community. For the concept of community policing to work, there must be a sense of stability within the community, trust with the police, belief of the community that the police are generally interested in the benefit of the community (Ontario Ministry Of Children And Youth Services, 2010), the belief and will of the country and community political commitment to help reform and provide a better form of safety and cohesion of the community for its own benefit. Another concept that is argued again is the resources of the police and government in different countries that allow the functioning of these policing practices being undertaken. For example, in developing countries, there are not usually any resources to apply these policing practices. Therefore also due to these different conditions within this country such as South Africa for example, there won’t be a positive effect of community based policing strategy; because of culture and other impacts on the type of communities and the running of the country will not allow for the community policing as opposed to other western countries such as how well it would benefit Australia. Other conditions that Casey (2010) also expresses that impact on the implementation of community policing, such as the connection and networks of the community with itself, the police and also other international organizations which is fundamental in positive direction of community policing and the practice worldwide. These conditions are greatly influential and impact on the positive or negative effects of community policing and policing practice globally. To further examine these impacts and conditions an example where all these conditions interplay with the policing practice and community policing can be seen with ethnic groups, minorities such as in multicultural Australia. Due to discrimination, some groups of people may feel stigmatized or marginalized in society. Some people that come to Australia may already have a negative idea and concept of police from their previous country which will make it harder for Australian police to connect and build trust with these individuals. Although these conditions play a major role in the policing practice, it may be found that some problems that rise is over-policing on these ethnic groups and discriminating against them. A negative side-effect of this is possible ethnic based gangs who prey on their own community (Casey 2010) and develop distrust and rift between the community and the police, disrupting the progression for a desired community based policing strategy. As Tyler (2005) states, the trust in the police and the community is usually to have low morale and cooperation due to distrust, a sense of unfairness in policies and regulations surrounding these minorities and also the way in which the police conduct their policing. If the police and these groups worked together for community safety, other benefits such as allowing effective social preventative procedures, proactive partnerships, responsive and confidence in community and police co-operation, better trust between community, mutually beneficial ties, creating local-level accountability, working with other agencies and NGO’s to better help efficiency in operation would occur and build a stronger overall wellbeing and cohesion. In conclusion, Casey (2010), demonstrates that there are a variety of different negative and positive aspects of community policing and policing practices. It is also evident through Casey’s work (2010) and also a variety of other authors, the different conditions arise and impact on the implementation of these community based strategies such as policing type models and community stability, resources and many more. There are a variety of positive and negative impacts according to John Casey that impact on police practice and community policing. References Casey, J. 2010. Comparing Policing Strategies. In Policing the World: The practice of International and Transnational Policing. Durham, North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press, pp. 58 – 87 Cordner, G. 1995. Community policing: elements and effects. Police forum: Academy of criminal justice sciences police section, 5 (3), pp. 1 – 16. Ontario Ministry Of Children And Youth Services. 2010. Community Policing Stategies. Review of the roots of youth violence: a review of major theoretical perspectives, 5 [Accessed: 4 Sep 2013]. Skolnick, J. and Bayley, D. 1988. Theme and Variation in Community Policing. Crime and Justice, 10 pp. 1 – 37. Tyler, T. 2005. Policing in black and white: Ethnic group differences in trust and confidence in the police. Police Quarterly, 8 (3), pp. 322—342