Sunday, February 2, 2020

Will Boots benefit from Treat Street or will it have a negative impact Dissertation - 1

Will Boots benefit from Treat Street or will it have a negative impact on the perception of their loyalty card - Dissertation Example The primary aim of this paper is to offer a set of plausible recommendation to Boots for developing a strong base of loyal consumers through a better consumer relationship and communications. In this process, the consumers’ perceptions and views regarding the loyalty programs and loyalty cards have to be analysed and identified for incorporating effective changes. In order to achieve this aim an extensive research has been conducted using a set of questionnaires. The questionnaire includes multiple types of open ended and close ended questions. The close ended questions are consists of likert scaled questions where five major factors have been mentioned say price discounts, exchange offers, gifts, enhanced value added services, redemptions and other miscellaneous benefits. These likert questions have been used for quantitative data analysis through data process methods. Besides, there are also three close ended questions which have been used for qualitative research purposes. There are three questions for close ended purposes which has been used to collecting comments for qualitative purposes. For better and higher rate of accuracy level, 100 respondents have been interviewed for collecting the primary data using the set of questionnaire. Higher range of sample size helps to reduce the sampling and other types of research related errors. The result of the surveys and interviews using the questionnaire are explained below and the relevancy of each question will also be discussed along with. Apart from the likert scale questions, there were three close ended questions which directly enquire regarding the loyalty card and brand. The first question aims to obtain the views of respondents about the relationship of loyalty cards and trust of the brand. This question strives to determine the influence of loyalty cards offering on consumers brand preferences. The following diagram represents the results of the respondents graphically. Figure 1: Do you feel loyal ty cards can help in improving trust with the brand? (Source: Author’s Creation) As per the above table, it can be observed that nearly 65% of the total respondent believes that loyalty cards are very effective for enhancing the trust with consumers with a specific brand. However, on the other hand, there were also 20% of respondents who do not consider that loyalty cards are effective in marinating better relationship with a brand by creating trustworthiness among them. Rest 15% of respondents are undecided or no sure that whether loyalty cards are really effective in shaping a better trust for a specific brand. As per the overall feedbacks from 100 respondents, it seems that loyalty cards are important for consumer relationship perspective. The next close ended question focuses on the influence of the loyalty card on the consumer’s purchasing decisions. Consumer’s buying process is complicated and influenced by a number of factors and among these factors, mark eting mix related factors plays very important role. The primary objective of marketing mix is to create value for the customers and in this respect loyalty cards are vital tool. The business organisation can influence the consumer’s behaviours by bringing effective changes in the marketing mix strategies. Therefore, this question is helpful got the Boots in reshaping their loyalty cards offering to influence the consumers’ buying decisions. The following figure presents the results of the survey. Figure 2: Does the aspect of loyalty card affect your purchase

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