Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Californias anti terrorism laws after september 911 Essay

Californias anti terrorism laws after september 911 - Essay Example To safeguard people’s interests, new strategies and plans were required to be developed and enforced. Laws needed to be framed to make Americans feel safe emotionally, physically and politically. Therefore, the US Patriotic Act was amended and renamed ‘USA Patriot and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act’. It was made more stringent and extra statutes included with wide ranging terrorists relating offences like deliberate and destructive activity against the state or its people resulting in loss of life or property, money laundering, surveillance and detention of people under suspect of terrorist activities etc. with capital punishment introduced. a new department known as Department of Public Safety and Homeland Security was opened which was headed by Secretary of the department who in turn was directly appointed by the Governor. The department has four divisions: the Highway Patrol, Law Enforcement, Fire Protection and Emergency Management and Division of Victims services. Special center called ‘California Anti terrorism Information Center’ (CATIC) was launched with an initial budget of $1.85 million to support anti-terrorism law enforcement activities with a state level criminal intelligence database which would coordinate with the federal agency. After 9/11, California government has made serious efforts to reinstate public confidence by providing continued support to the families of 9/11 and implementing a series of legal and administrative measures to combat any future terrorist acts in the

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