Monday, November 11, 2019

Islamic Culture

MUSLIM CULTURE Muslim culture generally reflects the traditions and customs of Muslims that they adopt for a perfect and respectable life in the society according to the lessons of Quran. Muslim culture is a giant combination of diverse cultures, That’s because Muslims live in various countries all over the world. Most of the practices are common faiths and guidance for all Muslims no matter what country or even content they reside in.. These basic faiths and belives are based on the teachings of Islam. The Muslim culture is a subject of debate for many people who lives in different parts of the world and belong to diverse communities.Muslim culture represents the unification of brotherhood where all Muslims are bound to practice a common religious phenomenon. Source of this culture comes from the teachings provided by the Holy Prophet Mohammed (P. B. U. H) and Islam (Bouhdiba, 2003). Muslims are the followers of Islam and the Islamic (Abrahamic) religion. Word â€Å"Muslimâ €  originally comes from an Arabic term which means â€Å"Followers of Allah† because the Islamic religious deliver. Muslims believe on one God and admits that Allah is incomparable and Islam is a religion which provides them with a complete code of life.Teachings of Quran are unaltered revelations from Allah. Muslims enter the world of Islam from almost all races, cultures and nationalities around the globe. Muslims have diverse traditions, dress, foods and languages (Murray, 2004). The distribution of Muslims in the world varies in strength. About 15% Muslims are those who live in Arab countries. 5% of Muslims are in Africa. The world’s largest Muslim population lives in Indonesia. Significant parts in Asia are occupied by Muslim community. Almost all of the Central Asia is dominated by Muslims. Over one billion people in the world are Muslims.Muslims brought ancient civilizations of Rome, Persia, Egypt, India and Greece with them. Muslims preserved these cultures in their libraries and cities and cherished the great Islamic peace of art (Bouhdiba, 2003). The practice of Muslims is based on five pillars of Islam which are basically five obligations. These five pillars are Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj. A life of a Muslim revolves around these five pillars of Islam. Islamic culture represents different aspects of Islamic life, which includes wedding traditions, clothing, foods, arts and crafts etc. (Kirabaev, 2000).There are many sources of a well-defined Muslim culture. Three of them are: Local tradition , The Hadith and , The Quran. Muslim culture is derived from Quran, Hadith and the local customs. The word Islam means submission to the will of Allah. Islam is considered to be the second largest religion having one billion followers. 2. 7% Muslim population have been recorded in the United Kingdom (Murray, 2004). Muslims have a faith that Islam revealed in Mecca (Arabia) about 1400 years ago. Islamic culture is a resource academia for the illustration of cultures and traditions of Islamic people.Arabs were the first to depict and demonstrate Muslim culture to the world. Islam originated in Arabia in the seventh century. Islamic empires have been expanded and Muslims got assimilation from different cultures like Indonesian, Berber, Malay, Indian, Pakistani, Turkic and Persian (Kirabaev, 2000). Arabs never used force to invite people from other religions into their sect. some embraced Islam in the reign of Holy Prophet P. B. U. H while many are converters. Arabic language is a common language of this religion. Arabians were living in deserts before the conquest of Islam and used science and art in their everyday living.Muslims have specific style of poetry and arts. Muslims have spread their language and religion through their way of life, arts and crafts as well as scientific fields. Arabians have developed different interests and tastes taking influence from other cultures mainly Persian and Greek. There are 22 countries in the Arab world with 180 million populations. Arabs can speak more than one dialect and share some common beliefs and values of Arab or Muslim culture. Majority of Arabs in Arab countries are Muslims. Many Arabs are Christians as well like in Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.Muslims and Arabs do not drink alcohol and eat anything which is Haram in Islam. Muslims observe Fast during the month of Ramadan. Muslim women used to wear scarfs on their head and cover their body with long dresses. Muslims offer prayer five times a day after observing ablution and then they recite Quran that provide them comfort to their soul. Islamic religion and the Arab culture provide emphasis on a good health and issued several ways and means to follow the tips of a good health by having a good diet and proper hygiene practices. Muslims have introduced a modern theme of medicines with a confidence in their way of treatment.In the Muslim world, elders are respected due to their exp erience. Men are the protectors of their family and women are required to show their obedient attitude towards men (Murray, 2004). Islam prohibits eating those foods and drinks which are considered haram or unlawful in this culture. It would be a sin if any Muslim commits a mistake eating and drinking forbidden foods and drinks respectively. Foods considered unlawful include pig meat, drinking alcohol and carrion. If meat is not slaughtered according to Islamic rules, it is considered unlawful. The place where the Islam originated is Mecca, Saudi Arabia.Muslims believe on prophets (one lac twenty-four thousand). For Muslims, the sacred building is mosque where they can pray and worship Allah. Major Muslim festivals are Eid-ul- Adha, Eid-ul-Fitr and Ramadan (Kirabaev, 2000). The prophet Muhammad P. B. U. H was born in Mecca in 570 A. D. in Saudi Arabia and is regarded as a Holy founder of Islam. The prophet Mohammad P. B. U. H was sent by Allah as a last prophet of Islam. However, Ad am was the first prophet of Islam. Many prophets came before Muhammad (pbuh) which includes Jesus, Jonah, Elias, Solomon, David, Aaron, Moses, Abraham and Isaac.Islam has different ideology for non-monotheist religions since relationship of Islam with religion like Hinduism varies depending on religious outlook. This variability persists today as well. Islam is a religion of liberty and open-mindedness giving the lessons of tolerance and patience (Murray, 2004). Islam forbids to pain on the living things. Islamic artists have developed an art of Arabic calligraphy. The calligraphers have learnt the art of calligraphy from Quran using Arabic language that expresses the beauty in the form of Quranic verses.Islamic architecture has covered religious and secular styles of architecture from Islamic foundation that has influenced the construction and designs of buildings in the culture of Islam. The architectural types in Islam are fort, palace, tomb and mosque (Kirabaev, 2000). Muslims b elieve in Allah, angels, holy books, prophets, the day of judgement and belief in predestination. Shia and Sunni are the dominant groups in Islam. Education is made to be a compulsory practice in Islam. Islam has its own political and economic theory and encouraged free trade policy.The economic system in Islam is based on the instructions and orders provided by Allah in Quran. Islam has favored democracy and liberty of thoughts. Muslims have incorporated different languages, arts and law from other religions but they preserved the integrity of Muslim culture and traditions till the end (Bouhdiba, 2003). Work cited: Bouhdiba, Abdelwahab. â€Å"The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture. † Springer Publishers,2003. Kirabaev, N. S. â€Å"Values in Islamic Culture and the Experience of History. † Routledge Publishers, 2000. Murray, Stephen O. â€Å"Islamic: Culture, History and Literature. † Springer Publishers, 2004. .

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