Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on Cultures of the United States and China - 1294 Words

I chose the United States and China as my two countries to study. I will start off the Psychological anthropology study of Chinese people. I will discuss their customs and beliefs from childhood to adulthood. I will then discuss the study of Americans and their customs and beliefs. I will discuss both Chinese and American traditions and the varies life cycles of both cultures. I will do this view from both the male and female aspects. I will then summarize in conclusion the differences and likes of the two groups. Chinese people take a woman’s pregnancy very personal and of high importance. They say that pregnancy is their way of keeping a continuous bloodstream running within their family. They say a pregnant woman is†¦show more content†¦These children live in poverty and their identities are changed from what they would have been if they were to grow-up in a household that isn’t poor. A lot of the times the mother or most often the father is absent. Adolescence that do attend school tend to grow-up and marry the person they fall in love with. In old times the girl would be promised to a boy and when they grew-up they would have to marry that person. China now, women have become equal to men and gained the right to self determination in marriage. Youth in china has also gained rights to chose and do things. (Ye Qinfa 2007, About.com). Women have become equal to men and when a child gets older it has the right to choose either his mother’s or father’s surname. Women’s economic independence has promoted their status in family life. When parents become elderly the children will take care of the parents until they die. Men have always had the upper hand in China as far as economics, marriage, and family life. In the past 40 years things have changed to make women equal. This is also the way America was at one time. (msn.com/Encarta). Life in America is some in the same and some indifferent as China. American Men and Women are to most degree equal. Americans have more freedoms than the Chinese. The ChineseShow MoreRelatedThe Food Culture Of China And The United States1444 Words   |  6 PagesThe population, economy, histories, politics boundaries, and religion of China and the United States are not similar. Looking at the food culture between the two countries is very different. When a person speaks about the Chinese food culture, they need to praise the taste, color, shape of the Chinese dish, and smell. In china, most of the people take wheat and rice as their daily main food. They believe that fruit, wheat, vegetable, and rice are the best food to boost the health of a person. ConsequentlyRead MoreCulture Differences Between The United States And China1057 Words   |  5 PagesThe culture differences between the United States and China This year is my forth year that I has been studying in the United State. I’m already used to the U.S. culture and the U.S. living style. 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Monday, December 23, 2019

Energy Conservation Essay - 1345 Words

The topic of energy is one that is seen in the news more and more as each day passes. As most Americans can tell you these days, energy is essential for industrial and technological development in this or any other country. However, some believe that certain traditional methods of producing energy, such as burning fossil fuels, are depleting the earth’s limited supply of natural resources and may also be harmful to the environment. They encourage the use of renewable sources of power, such as wind turbines or hydroelectric plants. While some debate humans being the cause of climate change, others believe mankind has barely made a mark on what our planet has to offer us. Conserving energy has nearly become as important an issue as producing†¦show more content†¦The need for coal sparked the American Industrial Revolution and introduced new inventions such as the steam engine. Petroleum oil, another non-renewable resource, is found beneath the earth’s surface and is collected through oil drilling. The conversion from oil to gasoline allowed for the invention of the automobile. Today, Petroleum is perhaps our most valuable source of fuel. Oil drills and refineries can be found all over the world, and the demand for this fuel has grown so great that it has caused a worldwide crisis. While some countries depend on oil as a source of fuel, others depend on exporting oil as their primary source of income. â€Å"The U.N. Security Council has terminated its authorization of foreign military operations in Libya. And as of tomorrow night, NATOs bombing campaign there will be over. Libyans now have to focus on the future, which includes reconstruction after the devastation of war. Some of the money for that effort may come from the countrys oil wealth† (CAN OIL FUEL LIBYAS RECONSTRUCTION? 1). The burning of fossil fuels has become a notorious cause of pollution. From contaminants being released into the atmosphere to oceans being devastated from oil spills, the earth’s ecosystem is suffering thanks to years of thoughtless fuel consumption. Excessive utilization of coal and oil for generation of electricity leads to the multiple problems of acid rain, and rising carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. There areShow MoreRelatedConservation of Energy1736 Words   |  7 Pages#7 CONSERVATION OF ENERGY OBJECTIVE The purpose of this experiment is to calculate the gravitational potential energy through experimental values, to calculate the theoretical potential energy given the experimental kinetic energy in an isolated system while also using the kinetic energy to find the spring constant, and to compare kinetic energies and potential energies in an isolated system to see if they are equivalent. METHOD To calculate the gravitational potential energy throughRead MoreThe Conservation Of Mechanical Energy2277 Words   |  10 Pagestest the conservation of mechanical energy. This was done so by using two different methods: (1) to test the conservation of mechanical energy using a cart with a load set on a PASCO track attached to a hanging mass by a string and pulley, and (2) to test the conservation of mechanical energy using a spring attached to a hanging mass. . In the first part of the lab involving gravitational potential energy, the theoretical value to be consistent with the law of conservation of mechanical energy was 0Read MoreEnergy Conservation960 Words   |  4 PagesEnergy Conservation What can we do to help Carol D. Patterson Axia College University of Phoenix March 7, 201 â€Æ' Introduction I am doing my essay on energy conservation. I would like to point out the good and the bad points of energy conservation. What could happen if we do not start conserving the different kinds of energy we have left? What are the different kinds of energy? How might we put into practice the different kinds of energy? In my paper, I will explain these formsRead MoreEnergy Conservation at Home1164 Words   |  5 PagesWhat is energy? Where does it come from? And how do we pay for it? When you learn the answers to these questions, you can also learn how to live more efficiently in your home. In this article, we ll discuss how to be smart about how you use energy, how to know when to turn electrical power on and off, and how to use natural gas, propane, and fuel oil in the most effective way. Basic Concepts of Energy Efficiency You can make a lot of progress toward improving the energy efficiency in yourRead MoreThe Conservation Of Energy Lab Essay1158 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: For the conservation of energy lab three experiments were performed. Terrestrial Gravitation Acceleration, First Law of Thermodynamics and Centripetal Acceleration vs. First Law of Thermodynamics. Each of the experiments demonstrated the importance of the first law of thermodynamic and how its present on our daily lives. Therefore, reinforcing the importance of thermodynamics concepts and their role in our society. Objectives: Experiment A: Terrestrial Gravitational AccelerationRead MoreConservation of Energy Lab Essay1536 Words   |  7 PagesFREE FALL AND CONSERVATION OF MECHANICAL ENERGY ABSTRACT Free fall is defined as the ideal falling motion of an object that is subject only to the earth’s gravitational field. To prove the law of conservation of energy, the free fall motion of an object can be represented through 3 different analyses; position of the object vs. time, velocity of the object vs. time, and acceleration of the object vs. time. It is observed in this ball toss experiment, at any point during the free fall period,Read More The Conservation of Energy Essay712 Words   |  3 PagesThe Conservation of Energy Physics Essay: The Conservation of Energy Since the beginning of time, energy has pervaded our earth. These days we rely on it to advance in our technological developments. We also need energy for a variety of other things such as: to keep our bodies alive and healthy, to run our machines and other technical devices, we also rely on energy to keep warm in winter and cool in summer. Energy is the ability to do work. People and other things can run out of energy (eRead MoreConservation Of Energy : Sam Perelman1516 Words   |  7 PagesConservation of energy – Sam Perelman Purpose: To investigate the gravitational potential energy, kinetic energy, and mechanical energy of the cart as it goes down the ramp. Hypothesis If energy is conserved then the cart will have the highest gravitational potential energy at the top of the ramp and the highest kinetic energy at the bottom of the ramp but have a consistent total energy throughout its journey. This is because the equation for Eg is Eg =mgh so when h=0 E=0 (this occurs at the bottomRead MoreHome Energy Conservation3185 Words   |  13 PagesHome Energy Conservation So you think the cost of gas is outrageous? Most Americans do. The controversies in the Middle East and recent environmental disasters have made the cost of many natural resources, like oil, sky rocket. So imagine the amount of oil needed to power your car and compare that to the amount of oil needed to heat your home. Home energy conservation is a way that Americans can counter-act the estimated high costs to heat, cool or light their residence. In the ‘old days’ energyRead MoreEnergy Project : Energy Conservation2197 Words   |  9 PagesEnergy Conservation in Android Using Computational Offloading Energy Efficient Downloader 1Abhijeet Panchal, 2Vishal Divekar, 3Bharat Bansode, 4Hasan Mujawar, 5Prof. Girish Navale 1,2,3,4,5 Dept. of Computer Engineering AISSMS’s Institute of Information Technology Pune, India Abstract: Development of new and innovative android applications made energy consumption a very important issue. The full potential for android phones may be constrained by certain technical limits such as battery life and computational

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Communication Process Free Essays

string(107) " the lower levels of employees do get involved in the decision making process by giving their suggestions\." Hypothesis The following hypothesis is used as a logical approach for completion of the essay. A hypothesis is used in order to identify all the key elements of the essay in a logical and a systematic order. The hypothesis is as follows; â€Å"Is effective communication more about identifying and overcoming barriers to communication? What is the nature of effective communication? † Based on the above hypothesis, I have listed the following key elements. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication Process or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. Communication 1. Communication process 2. Types of communication 3. Importance of communication 2. How communication can influence an organization? 3. Effective ineffective communication 1. What is effective communication? 2. Importance of effective communication 3. What is ineffective communication? 4. How both effective and ineffective communication affects an organization? 4. Identifying overcoming communication barriers 1. Barriers to effective communication 2. How to overcome barriers to communication? 1. Introduction â€Å"Communication is the use of verbal and non-verbal communication between people trying to create shared meaning. † (Yoder, Hugenberg Wallace 1996) Throughout the history of mankind, their uniqueness in communication has become the key element in their success to become the most developed and well organized living beings among thousands of others. It is no different when comes to the corporate world, better the communication process that an organization posses, better the performances they achieve in today’s competitive world. So it has become vital for an organization to keep its communication process as effectively as possible in order achieve its organizational goals in a both effective and efficient manner. So the following essay was prepared with the intention of giving the readers a better understanding and a clear view of what is effective communication and what makes the communication a process an effective one. 2. 0 What is communication? Communication is where two or more people will transfer information, feelings, ideas and opinions between or among each others. 2. 1 The communication process This is the standard model of a communication process. This process always takes place between two parties. Sender – The starting point of the communication process, sender will encode the message Message – The information which is sent to the receiver. Channel – Is the medium which transfers the message from the sender to the receiver. Barriers – Barriers are the distortions which make the message not to be conveyed as intended. Receiver – The person who’s at the end of the process and who’ll decode the message Feedback – It will be the final step of the communication process where receiver sends a message as reply to the sender. 2. Types of communication Different forms of communication media like televisions, radios are used by people in order to communicate information,opinions, etc, among each others. The most primitive ways of communication are by body language,speaking,sign language and eye contact. All of those communication methods can be broadly divided in to two main types. Those two types of communication are as follows. †¢ Verbal communication †¢ Non verbal communication 1. Verbal communication Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language and speaking. When it comes to business,  verbal communication  is very important for the reason being that you are dealing with a variety of people through out the day. In some cases you may deal with people who have different culture, ages and with different levels of experience. Fluent verbal communication is essential to deal with people in business meetings. Business communication  self-confidence  plays a vital role which when matched with fluent  communication skills. 2. Non verbal communication Non-verbal communication  involves physical ways of communication, like, tone of the voice, touch, smell and body motion. Symbols and sign language are also included in non-verbal communication. Body language is a non-verbal way of communication. Body posture and physical contact convey a lot of information. Body posture matters a lot when you are communicating verbally to someone. Folded arms and crossed legs are some of the signals conveyed by a body posture. Physical contact, like, shaking hands, pushing, patting and touching expresses the feeling of intimacy. Facial expressions, gestures and eye contact are all different ways of communication. 3. Importance of communication Every action a person or an organization takes is mostly based on the information available; to perform that specific action as intended, relevant information will be required. Even after performing the act, the party which performed it will need a feedback to identify whether the performed act bore the intended results. So it is clear that, without communication, none of those would be possible. 3. 0 Involvement of communication in an organization. For an organization to run smoothly, it has to have a well structured communication process inside its own. According to Kondrat (2009), Communication is the â€Å"lifeblood† of every organization. A vital means of attending to company concerns is through effective internal communication. Decision making is the most vital activity in an organization, to make decisions, to implement them and to reassess those decisions, organizational management will require relevant information. As discussed previously to have better information, better communication among all layers is required. So it is evident that, better the communication inside the organization, better the decision it makes and also better the results. 3. 1 Formal communication channels Formal channels are used within an organization in order to make the flow of information smoother among all levels in the chain of command. In the general aspect, there are three main communication flows within an organization. Those are downward, upward and horizontal communication. 3. 1. 1 Downward communication It is the communication flow which is used by managers in an organization mainly to give orders and instructions. In a downward communication, the information flow will be from top to bottom, where managers will send messages to their subordinates. Those messages will include implementation of managerial decisions such as goals, plans and strategies, job instructions, rationale, procedures, practices, performance feedbacks, etc. 3. 1. 2 Upward communication Under this channel, information flow will be from the lower levels to the higher levels. Upward communication is more popular in learning organizations, where the lower levels of employees do get involved in the decision making process by giving their suggestions. You read "Communication Process" in category "Papers" Upward communication can be helpful in problem solving as the parties who are actually involved in the problem can give their point of view to the higher management. 3. 1. 3 Horizontal communication In horizontal communication, parties which are in the same level will communicate with each others. (e. g. inter departmental) This can be helpful to coordinate activities and request support. 3. 2 Informal communication channel These are the communication channels which are not authorized as formal communication channels and it doesn’t have a clear pattern of the hierarchical levels included. Literally an informal communication channel is a channel which can connect anyone in the organization. Examples for informal communication channels †¢ Management by walking around (MBWA) †¢ Grapevine 4. 0 Effective and Ineffective communication As the topic of this essay relates, achieving effective communication is vital. So before discussing about methods of achieving effective communication, it is more sensible to discuss what is meant by effective communication and what is meant by ineffective communication. 4. 1 What is effective communication? The communication process can be recognized as an effective one, when the receiver decodes and understand the message as intended by the sender. Furthermore, a proper feedback from the receiver to the sender will also facilitate effective communication. 4. 2 Importance of effective communication Effective communication skills is most likely to prevent conflicts and solve current conflicts it is learnt that through effective means of communication people can negotiate and arrive at possible solutions. The benefits of effective communication are many as they enhance all aspects of personal and professional lives. . 3 What is ineffective communication? This is a process by which the meaning the receiver attaches to a message may be completely different to the message intended by the sender. So it is evident that the basic concept of communication, which is sharing ideas and information among each other will be broken down if ineffective communication takes place. 4. 4 Importance of effe ctive communication to an organization According to Panse (2009), Most companies and organizations have people working in small teams. This has been found to be more effective and productive than a single individual toiling away at a project. When you have three or four more people working on an issue, you have the advantage of having access to more ideas and solutions for the project, of having more checking safeguards against any flaws in the plan, and of being able to establish more network connections. A group is also more likely to take on and complete large-scale, complex projects. For the team to operate smoothly there must be open and efficient communication between the members of the team Team communication is important for the following reasons – †¢ Project-related information needs to be shared. †¢ Each member of the team needs to be acquainted with the team goal and his/her role in the team. †¢ Effective and open communication lines create feelings of trust and of belonging to the team. The more the members feel valued the more dedicated they are likely to be, and this in turn makes it easier for the team as a whole to achieve its goals. 4. 5 Affects of ineffective communication on an organization Ineffective communication hampers organizational success. This can also be seen as miscommunication. In an organization ineffective communication can occur due to many reasons. So it is important as a manager to curb these issues and create an effective communication channel. Ineffective communication leads to conflict within the organization and lead to distortion of information and this misunderstanding between department and individuals. Lack of effective communication may lead to a breakdown in interactions between employees in the organization. 5. Identifying and overcoming communication barriers. As discussed under the communication process, communication barriers are universal for any type of communication. In the perspective of an organization, barriers to communication can be divided into two main categories as individual barriers and organizational barriers. 5. 1 Individual barriers – Individual barriers are fatigue, poor listening skills, attitude toward the sender or the information, lack of interest in the message, fear, mistrust, past experiences, negative attitude, problems at home, lack of common experiences, and emotions. . 2 Organizational barriers – One of the major organizational barriers is the high power distance between low and high level employees. Due to this subordinates will not share sensitive information with their superiors as a result of the fear of facing negative reactions from the top management towards them. Poorly structured organizational channels will also active as an organizational barrier towards communication. 5. 3 Methods of overcoming barriers †¢ Using constructive feedback Training employees to involve active listening when they communicate †¢ Training employees to constraint their emotions †¢ Eliminating differences in perception †¢ Proper communication channel selection By using some or all of the methods mentioned above, an organization can reduce the impact done by communication barriers. 6. Conclusion In conclusion under the current situation, effective communication has universally become mandatory in order to achieve success. According to Kondrat (2009), Communication is the â€Å"lifeblood† of every organization. A vital means of attending to company concerns is through effective internal communication. If a manager is able to communicate their ideas clearly, so that employees definitely know what is asked of them, the subordinates will, consequently, perform their jobs correspondingly. On contrast, an aggressive way of managing reports results in employees’ getting more and more frustrated often guessing what their real faults are To achieve effective communication, one must have a clear understanding about the communication process and how it functions. On the other hand, having a thorough understanding about the communication process will not help to build up effective communication. So it is wiser to find out what factors make communication effective. As discussed above, what make a communication process ineffective are the communication barriers. When those barriers are in place, they can disrupt the communication process in a huge manner. Those barriers will make, encoding and decoding the message hard. If it happens, the message will not be sent and received as intended. So then the whole communication process will become ineffective, as the sole reason for the process’ existence relies on conveying the intended message properly. This proves that identifying and overcoming communication barriers are important to have effective communication. Understanding the communication process will definitely help to make communication effective, but it will not eradicate the main obstacles for effective communication, which are the communication barriers. So it is now very clear that identifying and overcoming the communication barriers are far more important for effective communication than understanding the communication process. 7. References Communication Skills-Start Here, (1995). Retrieved on April 30, 2010 from http://www. mindtools. com/CommSkll/CommunicationIntro. html Management Skills Resources, (2009). Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://www. bizmove. com/skills/m8g. htm Maya Pillai, (n. d). Barriers to effective Communication, Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://www. buzzle. om/articles/barriers-to-effective-communication. html Mortensen (1998) Communication Models, Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://www. shkaminski. com/Classes/Handouts/Communication%20Models. htm Overcoming Communication Barriers, (n. d) , Retrieved on May 1, 2010 from http://managementstudyguide. com/overcoming-communication-barriers. htm Sonal Panse, (2009). Effective team communication. Retrieved on May 1, 2010, from http://www. buzzle. com/artic les/small-group-communication-effective-team-communication. html ———————– Feedback Barriers Receiver Message Sender How to cite Communication Process, Essays

Saturday, December 7, 2019

12 Angry Men Influence of Surroundings Essay Example For Students

12 Angry Men: Influence of Surroundings Essay A persons surroundings can influence him. In 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose a young mans life is held by twelve men with contrasing views. Eight a caring man, who wishes to talk about why the other jurors think that the boy is guilty, clashes with Three, a sadistic man who would pull the swith himselfto end the boys life. Accroding to Rose, several elements can infulence a jurys verdict, such as the emotional make-up of individual jurors. Many elements can change a jurors decision. Juror Three, who is convincd that the boy is guilty, is allied with Four who is eventually convicedEights showing of how the two testimonies given by the old woman and old man are lies, votes guilty. Three outraged by this exclames A guilty mans gonna be walking the streets hes got to die! Stay with me. (23) But Four sees the truth that Eight has brought into th light and still votes guilty. We will write a custom essay on 12 Angry Men: Influence of Surroundings specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Eight tries to convince Three how the boy is not guilty beyond reasonable doubt but Three does not listen adn would rather see the boy die. For this kid, you bet Id pull the switch.(17) This shows how emotionally unstable Three is. He is a grown man living in a civilized community and would like to see a boy who he does not even know die by his own hands Eight does not think highly of Three for what he says about killing the boy and shouts your a sadist.(17) which is the absolute truth about Three. The emotional make-up of a juror can change his desicision on wther or not to let a man live or die. When someone is asked judge someone else, shoud not you look at al the facts to be sure beyond a shoadow of a doubt that the man who cimmitted the crime is guilty? Yes, a juror should look at all the facts but some do not, they just judge the person on how that person feels. Category: English . 12 Angry Men Influence Of Surroundings Essay Example For Students 12 Angry Men: Influence Of Surroundings Essay 12 Angry Men: Influence Of Surroundings Essay A persons surroundings can influence him. In 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose a young mans life is held by twelve men with contrasing views. Eight a caring man, who wishes to talk about why the other jurors think that the boy is guilty, clashes with Three, a sadistic man who would pull the swith himselfto end the boys life. Accroding to Rose, several elements can infulence a jurys verdict, such as the emotional make-up of individual jurors. We will write a custom essay on 12 Angry Men: Influence Of Surroundings specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Many elements can change a jurors decision. Juror Three, who is convincd that the boy is guilty, is allied with Four who is eventually convicedEights showing of how the two testimonies given by the old woman and old man are lies, votes guilty. Three outraged by this exclames ;A guilty mans gonna be walking the streets hes got to die! Stay with me.; (23) But Four sees the truth that Eight has brought into th light and still votes guilty. Eight tries to convince Three how the boy is not guilty beyond reasonable doubt but Three does not listen adn would rather see the boy die. ;For this kid, you bet Id pull the switch.(17) This shows how emotionally unstable Three is. He is a grown man living in a civilized community and would like to see a boy who he does not even know die by his own hands Eight does not think highly of Three for what he says about killing the boy and shouts your a sadist.(17) which is the absolute truth about Three. The emotional make-up of a juror can change his desicision on wther or not to let a man live or die. When someone is asked judge someone else, shoud not you look at al the facts to be sure beyond a shoadow of a doubt that the man who cimmitted the crime is guilty? Yes, a juror should look at all the facts but some do not, they just judge the person on how that person feels. . 12 Angry Men Influence of Surroundings Essay Example For Students 12 Angry Men: Influence of Surroundings Essay 12 Angry Men: Influence of Surroundings Essay A persons surroundings can influence him. In 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose a young mans life is held by twelve men with contrasing views. Eight a caring man, who wishes to talk about why the other jurors think that the boy is guilty, clashes with Three, a sadistic man who would pull the swith himselfto end the boys life. Accroding to Rose, several elements can infulence a jurys verdict, such as the emotional make-up of individual jurors. We will write a custom essay on 12 Angry Men: Influence of Surroundings specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Many elements can change a jurors decision. Juror Three, who is convincd that the boy is guilty, is allied with Four who is eventually convicedEights showing of how the two testimonies given by the old woman and old man are lies, votes guilty. Three outraged by this exclames A guilty mans gonna be walking the streets hes got to die! Stay with me. (23) But Four sees the truth that Eight has brought into th light and still votes guilty. Eight tries to convince Three how the boy is not guilty beyond reasonable doubt but Three does not listen adn would rather see the boy die. For this kid, you bet Id pull the switch.(17) This shows how emotionally unstable Three is. He is a grown man living in a civilized community and would like to see a boy who he does not even know die by his own hands Eight does not think highly of Three for what he says about killing the boy and shouts your a sadist.(17) which is the absolute truth about Three. The emotional make-up of a juror can change his desicision on wther or not to let a man live or die. When someone is asked judge someone else, shoud not you look at al the facts to be sure beyond a shoadow of a doubt that the man who cimmitted the crime is guilty? Yes, a juror should look at all the facts but some do not, they just judge the person on how that person feels. English . 12 Angry Men Influence of Surroundings Essay Example For Students 12 Angry Men: Influence of Surroundings Essay 12 Angry Men: Influence of Surroundings Essay A persons surroundings can influence him. In 12 Angry Men by Reginald Rose a young mans life is held by twelve men with contrasing views. Eight a caring man, who wishes to talk about why the other jurors think that the boy is guilty, clashes with Three, a sadistic man who would pull the swith himselfto end the boys life. Accroding to Rose, several elements can infulence a jurys verdict, such as the emotional make-up of individual jurors. We will write a custom essay on 12 Angry Men: Influence of Surroundings specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Many elements can change a jurors decision. Juror Three, who is convincd that the boy is guilty, is allied with Four who is eventually convicedEights showing of how the two testimonies given by the old woman and old man are lies, votes guilty. Three outraged by this exclames A guilty mans gonna be walking the streets hes got to die! Stay with me. (23) But Four sees the truth that Eight has brought into th light and still votes guilty. Eight tries to convince Three how the boy is not guilty beyond reasonable doubt but Three does not listen adn would rather see the boy die. For this kid, you bet Id pull the switch.(17) This shows how emotionally unstable Three is. He is a grown man living in a civilized community and would like to see a boy who he does not even know die by his own hands Eight does not think highly of Three for what he says about killing the boy and shouts your a sadist.(17) which is the absolute truth about Three. The emotional make-up of a juror can change his desicision on wther or not to let a man live or die. When someone is asked judge someone else, shoud not you look at al the facts to be sure beyond a shoadow of a doubt that the man who cimmitted the crime is guilty? Yes, a juror should look at all the facts but some do not, they just judge the person on how that person feels. .

Friday, November 29, 2019

Social world Essay Example

Social world Paper The conformity studies show group influence by peers, but Milgram (1974, cited by Brown 1996) distinguished this situation from the influence of persons of authority in hierarchical situations. Milgram investigated the strength of pressure to obey with a now-famous methodology. Milgrams subjects were led to believe that they were giving electric shocks to learners (actor confederates), and they were prompted to do so a clearly marked dangerous levels despite the pre-recorded cries of the learners. The subjects exhibited signs of nervous tension, but in the situation where they were alone twenty-six of forty subjects administered the highest shock level. In a variation of this Milgram demonstrated the positive influence of peer pressure in a group situation. The subject was joined by two confederates who were instructed to resist the experimenters authority. In this case the subject joined the peer rebellion and defied the experimenter in thirty-six out of forty trials.  This can be interpreted in different ways. If the subject is seen as a pliant stooge, then this is a demonstration of group influences in a more complex, real way. There are competing influences in most situations which must be incorporated by the individual. It could be that in group situations the individual is affected to a greater extent by a peer than somebody in authority. Equally, it could be a simple aggregated effect with two confederates outnumbering the single experimenter. More positively, if we assume that the subject really does not want to shock the learner, then it may show the enabling effect of the support of others. We will write a custom essay sample on Social world specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Social world specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Social world specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Taken together these experiments begin to suggest that the process of influence in groups is not clear-cut or homogenous. As Brown (1996, p19) puts it [T]here is no universal way in which individuals respond to group pressureparticipants will be affected by the meaning a situation has for them which itself may be influenced by cultural variables. This is a theme that was taken up in experiments into minority influence. Mucovici et al. (1969, cited in Brown 1996) showed the effects of different kinds of peer behaviour on the strength of influence. Groups of six including two confederates were required to name the colour of a slide. The confederates called blue slides as green either consistently or consistently. Results showed that the minority influence was only significant where a consistent behavioural style was evident.  Mugny (1975, cited in Brown 1996) held group discussions on topics of contemporary concern and found that the influence of a minority required that an appropriate argument style be employed. Where differences in opinion were large a flexible negotiation style was more effective, but with smaller differences a more rigid style was more influential. Such experiments show a tendency towards reductionism, groups are reduced to peers, authorities, majorities and minorities. Group pressures become types of influence and influence becomes behavioural style. The more specific that group experiments become the less that they seem to be talking about groups and the more they refer to individuals and circumstances. However, some experiments may have more universal implications. Wetherell (1996, p203) refers to two series of experiments that may indicate that [G]roup membership in itself has profound effects upon the psychology of the individual regardless of personality and individual differences. The Summer Camp Experiments of Sherif and Sherif (1969, cited in Wetherell 1996). used a process of in-group formation and inter-group competition which led to positive identification with the in-group and to overt out-group hostility. They found that specific psychological tendencies were not necessary for this to occur, and concluded that [T]he objective relationship between two groups causes the various subjective or psychological states characteristic of intergroup relations. Tajfel and Turners (1979, cited in Wetherell 1996) Social Identity Theory (S.I.T) based on the findings of the Minimal Group Experiments goes further in identifying the particular processes that occur in individuals when they are in groups. The minimal group idea removed circumstantial factors by taking the extreme case of a group defined by the mere recognition of it. Using schoolchildren, groups were created ostensibly from arbitrary categorisation according to stated preference for the work of either Klee or Kandinsky. Tasks showed that individuals consistently gave preferential treatment to their own group even where there was no-contact between members and there was no overt self-interest involved. They concluded that competition for goals is not required for group conflict, but that conflict occurs due to the self-esteem of the individual being tied to the status of the group. This happens through a process of social categorization, social identification where individuals self-categorizes themselves as group members and attach value to that membership, and social comparison with out-groups. Some of the problems of S.I.T. reflect the wider limitations of experimental work on groups. The sense of belongingness required for defining a group seems to be activated too easily by the individual in isolation. This presents two problems. First, such sensitive activation makes it difficult to determine which single or combination of groups an individual is being influenced by at any one time. Second, if I read the Financial Times and feel a sense of belonging and esteem by doing so, it is not clear whether this says anything at all about the group called Financial Times Readers. Whilst group conflict experiments show that no particular personality traits or circumstances are needed for individuals to be affected by group membership, the analysis still fails to enter the domain of the group because the processes identified are not essentially at the system level. Sapsfords (1996, p70) Domains of Analysis tool might usefully be employed to examine the experimental approach to groups. Group experiments based on participants having effects on each other are within the interpersonal/personal domain which [T]reats the person as a whole living interaction and relationship with other people, but analytically separate from the.[which] presupposes the idea of the individual or person as something distinct from the social world. The experimental methodology therefore prevents work on groups from being located, as might be expected, in the domain of the group. This domain [I]s concerned with what people create between them though not primarily with what participating individuals do and think; the focus is either on the system of which the individuals are a part or the meanings they create between them. Social constructionist and psychodynamic perspectives on groups fit more neatly into this domain, since the group itself is seen as the fundamental unit of analysis. The group psychodynamic paradigm offers a more inclusive vision of group processes. Aschbach and Schermer (1994, adapted in Morgan and Thomas, 1996, p77) describe the paradigm across three systems. First, the internal/intrapsychic systems of each individual in the group including unconscious motivations; Second, systems of communications, both conscious and unconscious between two or more individuals; Finally, The group as group. Some psychodynamic work on groups differs in assumptions from the experimental approach whilst still retaining a focus on what happens to individuals in groups. Instead of measurable behaviour there is an emphasis on subjective experience, a dynamic unconscious and the influence of primitive motivations within the group context. However, it is in the notion of the group mind that the approaches can be most clearly distinguished. Turner (1984, cited in Morgan and Thomas 1996, p68) forthrightly rejects the concept: It is a basic assumption of modern psychology that psychological processes reside only in individuals in the most literal sense, at least, there is no such thing as a group mind'. Thus it would seem that there are no surprises in what experimental evidence can tell us about what goes on in groups. Scientific positivism is scientific positivism. Whilst it is shown that individuals are complex and do not react in just one way, patterns of influence are described in cause-and-effect terms without recourse to emergent properties. The value that we place on this evidence depends on how we define a group. If it is simply a collection of people with affiliation then we must accept that group experiments are some of the most interesting and telling in psychology. But, if we incorporate the possibility of a groupishness (Bions word) beyond that collection, then experiments can contribute little to our knowledge of the group so defined.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Corporations

Business Ethics Ethics in Business From a business perspective, working under government contracts can be a very lucrative proposition. In general, a stream of orders keep coming in, revenue increases and the company grows in the aggregate. The obvious downfalls to working in this manner is both higher quality expected as well as the extensive research and documentation required for government contracts. If a part fails to perform correctly it can cause minor glitches as well as problems that can carry serious repercussions, such as in the National Semiconductor case. When both the culpable component and company are found, the question arises of how extensive these repercussions should be. Is the company as an entity liable or do you look into individual employees within that company? From an ethical perspective one would have to look at the mitigating factors of both the employees and their superiors along with the role of others in the failure of these components. Next you would have to analyze th e final ruling from a corporate perspective and then we must examine the macro issue of corporate responsibility in order to attempt to find a resolution for cases like these. The first mitigating factor involved in the National Semiconductor case is the uncertainty, on the part of the employees, on the duties that they were assigned. It is plausible that during the testing procedure, an employee couldnt distinguish which parts they were to test under government standards and commercial standards. In some cases they might have even been misinformed on the final consumers of the products that they tested. In fact, ignorance on the part of the employees would fully excuse them from any moral responsibility for any damage that may result from their work. Whether it is decided that an employees is fully excused, or is given some moral responsibility, would have to be looked at on an individual basis. The second mitigating factor is the duress o... Free Essays on Corporations Free Essays on Corporations Business Ethics Ethics in Business From a business perspective, working under government contracts can be a very lucrative proposition. In general, a stream of orders keep coming in, revenue increases and the company grows in the aggregate. The obvious downfalls to working in this manner is both higher quality expected as well as the extensive research and documentation required for government contracts. If a part fails to perform correctly it can cause minor glitches as well as problems that can carry serious repercussions, such as in the National Semiconductor case. When both the culpable component and company are found, the question arises of how extensive these repercussions should be. Is the company as an entity liable or do you look into individual employees within that company? From an ethical perspective one would have to look at the mitigating factors of both the employees and their superiors along with the role of others in the failure of these components. Next you would have to analyze th e final ruling from a corporate perspective and then we must examine the macro issue of corporate responsibility in order to attempt to find a resolution for cases like these. The first mitigating factor involved in the National Semiconductor case is the uncertainty, on the part of the employees, on the duties that they were assigned. It is plausible that during the testing procedure, an employee couldnt distinguish which parts they were to test under government standards and commercial standards. In some cases they might have even been misinformed on the final consumers of the products that they tested. In fact, ignorance on the part of the employees would fully excuse them from any moral responsibility for any damage that may result from their work. Whether it is decided that an employees is fully excused, or is given some moral responsibility, would have to be looked at on an individual basis. The second mitigating factor is the duress o...

Friday, November 22, 2019

The Critical Path for Joes Toy Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Critical Path for Joes Toy Company - Essay Example The critical path is useful in tracking activities and ensuring that the various phases of the project occur within the stipulated time limits. Since each node in the critical path indicates the completion of a particular phase and also indicates the various paths of activity that have been undertaken for completion of that phase, it helps to clearly identify which elements of the plan are still incomplete and have to be incorporated into the next stage of the critical path. This method also helps to get the most important jobs done first. According to the critical path for Joe’s toy Company, there are certain elements that may be combined and implemented at the same time. For example, although the time Joe had originally allotted for funding and finalizing engineering is one week each, these projects can occur concurrently and be completed in one week to gain time. Also, the time required for building dies and tools, which was projected to be 12 weeks could be shortened furth er by investing more so that work continues during weekends. Further, Joe could also consider hiring another builder apart from Steve and diving the work between them so that project time is reduced. Two separate phases of a particular program can occur concurrently, as demonstrated in the critical path diagram. For example, establishing the advertising program and commencing initial promotional efforts can occur simultaneously with the procurement of equipment and building. Also, two different phases can be interlinked – such as project funding and engineering design, to which advertising campaign design may also be added. Debugging processes can occur simultaneously with a training of workers, through interlinking in the critical path.  Interlinking of projects is useful, mainly from the point of view of shortening the time frame required for completion of the projects. Since wages and salaries paid over a longer period can mean increased expenses, such interlinking is us eful in conserving finances through optimum use of time. Secondly, adequate time and attention can be given to each phase of the project when they are occurring concurrently.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Californias anti terrorism laws after september 911 Essay

Californias anti terrorism laws after september 911 - Essay Example To safeguard people’s interests, new strategies and plans were required to be developed and enforced. Laws needed to be framed to make Americans feel safe emotionally, physically and politically. Therefore, the US Patriotic Act was amended and renamed ‘USA Patriot and Terrorism Prevention Reauthorization Act’. It was made more stringent and extra statutes included with wide ranging terrorists relating offences like deliberate and destructive activity against the state or its people resulting in loss of life or property, money laundering, surveillance and detention of people under suspect of terrorist activities etc. with capital punishment introduced. a new department known as Department of Public Safety and Homeland Security was opened which was headed by Secretary of the department who in turn was directly appointed by the Governor. The department has four divisions: the Highway Patrol, Law Enforcement, Fire Protection and Emergency Management and Division of Victims services. Special center called ‘California Anti terrorism Information Center’ (CATIC) was launched with an initial budget of $1.85 million to support anti-terrorism law enforcement activities with a state level criminal intelligence database which would coordinate with the federal agency. After 9/11, California government has made serious efforts to reinstate public confidence by providing continued support to the families of 9/11 and implementing a series of legal and administrative measures to combat any future terrorist acts in the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Service marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Service marketing - Essay Example Over the years several researches have been conducted in order to have a better understanding of service marketing. Many of these researches are published in the ‘Journal of Service Marketing’. This report presents three research reports on service marketing. Each of them is published in ‘Journal of Service Marketing’. The report provides a comprehensive outline of all the important theories and analysis that are given in the three research reports. This report is made for the marketing manager of Wal-Mart. Titles of the three journals are ‘Push, scream, or leave: how do consumers cope with crowded retail stores?’, ‘Consumer perceptions of internet-based e-retailing: an empirical research in Hong Kong’ and ‘Services marketing in a cross-cultural environment: the case of Egypt’. These three papers are chosen because they are directly related to the retail sector. The researches and the results that are stated in these th ree papers are expected to help the marketing manager of Wal-Mart to make more effective decisions in future. The research paper titled ‘Push, scream, or leave: how do consumers cope with crowded retail stores?’ is written by Anita Whiting who is from Clayton State University in USA. This report deals with the increasing problem of ‘crowding’ in retail stores. Heavy crowd in retail stores is a persistent problem for both retailers as well as consumers. Consumers are often stressed and frustrated due to heavy crowd in the store. Crowding badly affects the satisfaction level of the consumers. It reduces the time that is spent by the consumer in the store. Re patronage intentions of the consumers are also affected by the crowding. Business organisations can minimize the negative impacts of crowding by understanding the strategies implemented by the consumers to cope with the environment of a crowded retail shop. There

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Environmental analysis of Nivea in Thailand

Environmental analysis of Nivea in Thailand In todays world, all businesses are facing the dynamic of world economy. In business world, there is always strong competition in the market with new business players and convergence of the industry. Companies have to adjust themselves in order to survive and to conduct good performances; even the market leader of the industry needs to be successful with improved performance, high profitability and competitive edge. To be successful, a business needs to set its overall direction for the company through business plan aiming to achieve business goals and objectives. One of the most important parts of the overall business plan is the marketing plan. In formulating an effective marketing plan, a company needs to follow segmentation, targeting and positioning (STP) steps as they are the foundation of marketing strategy (Desarbo et al., 2008). STP process is in the area of market-oriented approach, which primarily examines the external environment based on market needs so as to develop products which well respond to the market. Currently, while the overall markets are becoming more mature and customer needs are greatly diverse, the use of STP strategy is indispensable. In highly dynamic environment, most companies conduct segmentation research studying the changes in the marketplace and adapt themselves to the dynamic world. Therefore, it is very common that most businesses are increasingly segmenting markets and identifying each target market in order to explore new opportunities, develop right positioning to establish brand image and brand reputation, deliver proper communications to the target audiences, and also effectively invest resources and specific capabilities to the main marketing activities. The company will be able to create a value proposition specific to the target market by developing an effective marketing strategy, including marketing mix. By going through the STP process, a company will be likely to establish its own identity and differentiate itself from other competitors in the marketplace. This research studies the mens grooming product industry in Thailand. The methodology is to examine how the product owner develops its marketing strategy and how the STP process has vital role in formulating the strategy. In Thailand, mens grooming market is a high growth industry, with approximately 14 percent growth annually from 2005 to 2008 and the market size in 2009 expanded with the value of Bt5.5 billion. Growth of the industry in year 2008 mainly came from growth of mens skin care market, with 26% percent growth in terms of current value (Euromonitor International: Mens Grooming Products Thailand, 2009). Mens skin care market is considered not only an attractive market but also a very highly competitive market in Thailand. This paper uses a case study of NIVEA FOR MEN brand in Thailand, the line of products manufactured by Beiersdorf Thailand, as it is a good case study about mens skincare market. Moreover, it specifically concentrates on male skin care market which is segmentation method of NIVEA FOR MEN. Therefore, this case study is of interest of the author to study the whole process of STP which can lead to the formulating of marketing strategy of a leading brand in mens skin care market, NIVEA FOR MEN. Prior to this study, there have been some researches studying male consumers behaviors which claimed that men consumers are now much more a part of modern consumerism as women (Sturrock et al., 1998). In recent years, a number of researchers aim their interests at male consumers in order to study male consumption of products and styles which contributes to the production of self image (Firat, 1993), and also the construction of self concept (Thompson and Hirschman, 1995). In this paper, the qualitative approach, in-depth interview will be the main research method. The research will provide more details of the area of study and clarify the discussed concepts. 1.2 Purpose of the project Points of the authors interest in this research are the rapid growth of mens grooming product industry and the way a leading brand in this industry has employed marketing strategies. An overall purpose of the project is to study the thorough process of segmentation, targeting, and positioning (STP process) that is the main part in creating effective marketing strategy, and to examine how and to what extent the STP process can be applied to men skin care industry as well as to assess its implementation on a leading brand in men skin care market, NIVEA FOR MEN which is owned by Beiersdorf Company. 1.3 Design of the Project and Objectives This paper mainly deals with the scope of the process of segmentation, targeting, and positioning of a leading brand in men skin care market. As the stated process is the foundation and genesis of marketing strategy formulation, this research covers the linkage among these market-led marketing strategies. The paper will analyze market attractiveness in Thailand, and male consumers needs as well as Beiersdorf Thailand resources and capabilities. The investigation will be done by in-depth interview with marketers in Beiersdorf Thailand in order to gain insight information about the STP process and also the implementation of NIVEA FOR MEN marketing strategies. After all, the theory will be concluded and will also be used as a base of recommendation for the potential growth direction of NIVEA FOR MEN, a market leader in the very high growth industry. The objectives of this research are as follows to trace the origins of marketing strategy concept in real word situation in mens grooming products market and men skin care market in Thailand; to investigate the process of segmentation, targeting, and positioning of NIVEA FOR MEN brand; to examine the linkage among segmentation, targeting, and positioning as well as to study how STP process leads to the formulation of marketing strategy of NIVEA FOR MEN; to study the creation of competitive positioning and marketing plan as a market leader men facial care industry; and to make recommendation in respect of the maintenance of its market leader positioning according to consumers perspectives. 1.4 NIVEA International History and NIVEA Thailand History The case study of Beiersdorf Thailand, NIVEA FOR MEN is used in this research as it is the best case to study about the market-oriented approach with focusing on segmentation, targeting, and positioning process. Moreover, it is of interest of the author as NIVEA FOR MEN, with the various lines of products, is the leading brand in Thai rapid growth industry, mens skin care market. The history of Beiersdorf AG is briefly summarised (See Appendix [4-1]). Both NIVEA international history and NIVEA Thailand history are summerised to illustrate NIVEAs current conditions in world market and in Thailand. 1.4.1 NIVEA International History Figure [1-1]: NIVEA Worldwide Source: www.nivea.com NIVEA is one of the worlds leading international skincare industries, founded in 1911 in Germany by Oskar Troplowitz, who named the company NIVEA, from the Latin word nix or nivis, meaning snow, in reference to the colour of the product. Currently, NIVEA is claimed to be the worlds largest skincare brand with a strong international presence in around 170 countries and an enviable reputation. Also, Beiersdorf has had strong sales worldwide as during 2008 and 2009, Beiersdorfs annual sales in terms of worldwide products sales are at à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 5,971 million and à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬ 5,748 million, respectively. Beiersdorf had already established an international presence with a large number of products prior to World War II. Trademarks were registered in many countries in order to protect these brands. According to the Beiersdorf website (2010) after World War II, these trademarks were lost in almost all countries, particularly those for NIVEA, and the company tried in each of these countries to recover the trademarks. Beiersdorf began expanding internationally in 1952s. Among the countries involved in the first international expansion were the Netherlands, followed by Argentina, Switzerland and Brazil in 1958. The following overview shows when the rights were recovered in each country. 1961 Sweden 1963 Mexico 1966 Finland/Denmark 1968 African Commonwealth Countries (except South Africa) 1973 U.S.A 1974 France incl. former colonies, now Chad, Mali, Cameroon, The Congo, etc 1977 Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Gibraltar, Cyprus, Malta, Bermuda, Bahamas, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago 1985 Norway 1992 United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, South Africa, New Zealand, India, Pakistan, Israel, Australia 1993 Romania 1998 Poland Besides guaranteeing continued high quality on individual products, NIVEA expanded their product range into new cosmetic fields, such as decorative cosmetics and hairstyling and made notable innovations in skincare. Moreover, NIVEA began expanding their product line to provide complete cosmetic care for the whole family and for style-conscious singles. 1.4.2 NIVEA Thailand History In 1984, the NIVEA brand was introduced in Thailand, imported and distributed by Beiersdorf (Thailand) Co., Ltd. The brand was introduced as the first mass market skincare cream and the worlds first true cosmetic moisturizer in the famous blue tin with the white logo. NIVEAs products included NIVEA Crà ¨me, Skin Lotion and Labello Lip Care. According to the Beiersdorf (2010) website, Thai Food and Drug Administration (FDA) chooses the NIVEA factory for shooting Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) Introduction Video. Later, in 1995, NIVEA obtained the GMP certificate from the local FDA Public Health Ministry which was the first GMP certificated to a cosmetic factory in Thailand and NIVEA Research and Development (RD) presented the New Method in Non-Animal Allergy Testing, to the Dean and professors of Pharmaceuticals Science Faculty, Chulalongkorn University. (Nivea website, 2010). By 2008, NIVEA in Thailand was successfully growing and had achieved an excellent 32% market share in the Super Hypermarkets sales channel which is of strategic importance in the Thai market (Nivea website, 2010). Overall, in skin care market, Beiersdorf Thailand is market leader with 11.9 percent market shares in 2008. In this year, Beiersdorf Thailand overtook Unilever Thai Holdings to lead sector sales (Euromonitor International: Skin Care Thailand, 2009) (See Appendix [1-2]). In Thailand, NIVEA achieved market leadership in Mens grooming sectors in year 2008 with 23.4 percent market share, followed by Gillette by Procter Gamble with 14.1 percent market share (Euromonitor International: Mens grooming products Thailand, 2009) (See Appendix [1-3]). NIVEA is also number one in body care sector, with body care brand share 23 percent and 23.5 percent in 2007 and 2008, respectively. (Euromonitor International: Skin Care Thailand, 2009) (See Appendix [1-4]). The NIVEA brand is now available in Thailand in the following products: NIVEA Body NIVEA FOR MEN NIVEA Visage NIVEA Deodorant NIVEA Sun NIVEA Lip Care NIVEA Bath Care

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

microwave oven :: essays research papers

It is late in the evening and you are â€Å"vegging out† in front of the TV. The program you are watching takes a commercial break. The commercial is advertising the most delicious-looking plate of Mexican food you have ever seen. You soon conclude that you have a craving for Mexican food. You realize that it is late and the only restaurant that serves Mexican food this late is Taco Bell (which is all the way across town). So what do you do? Well, I will tell you. You go to your fridge and grab a frozen burrito out of the freezer. Place the burrito on a paper plate and pop it in the microwave. â€Å"Cook for one and a half minutes on each side and let stand for a couple of minutes.† Vuala! Your hunger has been satisfied!   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I have set up this scenario for you to show you how much the inventor of the microwave oven is unappreciated. This person is a genius. This invention is extremely convenient, portable, and easy to use.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  First, I would like to mention how convenient this item is. Before the microwave, one would have to go through a series of strenuous step in or to cook a meal. First, you have to preheat the conventional oven (which takes approximately 15-20 minutes). Second, open the inferno door, making sure not to get too close or else you will burn your eyebrows and eyelashes off your face. Next, place the food item onto the racks of the abyss. After that, you have to wait 30-45 minutes until the food has cooked. (This whole time your house is becoming a sweltering netherworld.) You take the food out of the oven and sit down to eat (constantly wiping the sweat from your face). These vigorous steps were brilliantly eliminated due to the invention of the microwave oven. This machine causes no heat, no singed facial hair, and more importantly, takes about one-tenth the amount of time compared to the conventional oven.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Second, I would like to discuss this gadget’s portability. The college you have chosen to attend is several hours away from home. So, without Mom’s home-cooked meals you must rely on this appliance. It would be extremely difficult to stuff a conventional oven in your dorm room. Instead, the microwave oven sits compactly in the corner. You can take it anywhere. (Where there is electricity, that is.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Islamic Culture

MUSLIM CULTURE Muslim culture generally reflects the traditions and customs of Muslims that they adopt for a perfect and respectable life in the society according to the lessons of Quran. Muslim culture is a giant combination of diverse cultures, That’s because Muslims live in various countries all over the world. Most of the practices are common faiths and guidance for all Muslims no matter what country or even content they reside in.. These basic faiths and belives are based on the teachings of Islam. The Muslim culture is a subject of debate for many people who lives in different parts of the world and belong to diverse communities.Muslim culture represents the unification of brotherhood where all Muslims are bound to practice a common religious phenomenon. Source of this culture comes from the teachings provided by the Holy Prophet Mohammed (P. B. U. H) and Islam (Bouhdiba, 2003). Muslims are the followers of Islam and the Islamic (Abrahamic) religion. Word â€Å"Muslimâ €  originally comes from an Arabic term which means â€Å"Followers of Allah† because the Islamic religious deliver. Muslims believe on one God and admits that Allah is incomparable and Islam is a religion which provides them with a complete code of life.Teachings of Quran are unaltered revelations from Allah. Muslims enter the world of Islam from almost all races, cultures and nationalities around the globe. Muslims have diverse traditions, dress, foods and languages (Murray, 2004). The distribution of Muslims in the world varies in strength. About 15% Muslims are those who live in Arab countries. 5% of Muslims are in Africa. The world’s largest Muslim population lives in Indonesia. Significant parts in Asia are occupied by Muslim community. Almost all of the Central Asia is dominated by Muslims. Over one billion people in the world are Muslims.Muslims brought ancient civilizations of Rome, Persia, Egypt, India and Greece with them. Muslims preserved these cultures in their libraries and cities and cherished the great Islamic peace of art (Bouhdiba, 2003). The practice of Muslims is based on five pillars of Islam which are basically five obligations. These five pillars are Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm and Hajj. A life of a Muslim revolves around these five pillars of Islam. Islamic culture represents different aspects of Islamic life, which includes wedding traditions, clothing, foods, arts and crafts etc. (Kirabaev, 2000).There are many sources of a well-defined Muslim culture. Three of them are: Local tradition , The Hadith and , The Quran. Muslim culture is derived from Quran, Hadith and the local customs. The word Islam means submission to the will of Allah. Islam is considered to be the second largest religion having one billion followers. 2. 7% Muslim population have been recorded in the United Kingdom (Murray, 2004). Muslims have a faith that Islam revealed in Mecca (Arabia) about 1400 years ago. Islamic culture is a resource academia for the illustration of cultures and traditions of Islamic people.Arabs were the first to depict and demonstrate Muslim culture to the world. Islam originated in Arabia in the seventh century. Islamic empires have been expanded and Muslims got assimilation from different cultures like Indonesian, Berber, Malay, Indian, Pakistani, Turkic and Persian (Kirabaev, 2000). Arabs never used force to invite people from other religions into their sect. some embraced Islam in the reign of Holy Prophet P. B. U. H while many are converters. Arabic language is a common language of this religion. Arabians were living in deserts before the conquest of Islam and used science and art in their everyday living.Muslims have specific style of poetry and arts. Muslims have spread their language and religion through their way of life, arts and crafts as well as scientific fields. Arabians have developed different interests and tastes taking influence from other cultures mainly Persian and Greek. There are 22 countries in the Arab world with 180 million populations. Arabs can speak more than one dialect and share some common beliefs and values of Arab or Muslim culture. Majority of Arabs in Arab countries are Muslims. Many Arabs are Christians as well like in Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, Syria and Lebanon.Muslims and Arabs do not drink alcohol and eat anything which is Haram in Islam. Muslims observe Fast during the month of Ramadan. Muslim women used to wear scarfs on their head and cover their body with long dresses. Muslims offer prayer five times a day after observing ablution and then they recite Quran that provide them comfort to their soul. Islamic religion and the Arab culture provide emphasis on a good health and issued several ways and means to follow the tips of a good health by having a good diet and proper hygiene practices. Muslims have introduced a modern theme of medicines with a confidence in their way of treatment.In the Muslim world, elders are respected due to their exp erience. Men are the protectors of their family and women are required to show their obedient attitude towards men (Murray, 2004). Islam prohibits eating those foods and drinks which are considered haram or unlawful in this culture. It would be a sin if any Muslim commits a mistake eating and drinking forbidden foods and drinks respectively. Foods considered unlawful include pig meat, drinking alcohol and carrion. If meat is not slaughtered according to Islamic rules, it is considered unlawful. The place where the Islam originated is Mecca, Saudi Arabia.Muslims believe on prophets (one lac twenty-four thousand). For Muslims, the sacred building is mosque where they can pray and worship Allah. Major Muslim festivals are Eid-ul- Adha, Eid-ul-Fitr and Ramadan (Kirabaev, 2000). The prophet Muhammad P. B. U. H was born in Mecca in 570 A. D. in Saudi Arabia and is regarded as a Holy founder of Islam. The prophet Mohammad P. B. U. H was sent by Allah as a last prophet of Islam. However, Ad am was the first prophet of Islam. Many prophets came before Muhammad (pbuh) which includes Jesus, Jonah, Elias, Solomon, David, Aaron, Moses, Abraham and Isaac.Islam has different ideology for non-monotheist religions since relationship of Islam with religion like Hinduism varies depending on religious outlook. This variability persists today as well. Islam is a religion of liberty and open-mindedness giving the lessons of tolerance and patience (Murray, 2004). Islam forbids to pain on the living things. Islamic artists have developed an art of Arabic calligraphy. The calligraphers have learnt the art of calligraphy from Quran using Arabic language that expresses the beauty in the form of Quranic verses.Islamic architecture has covered religious and secular styles of architecture from Islamic foundation that has influenced the construction and designs of buildings in the culture of Islam. The architectural types in Islam are fort, palace, tomb and mosque (Kirabaev, 2000). Muslims b elieve in Allah, angels, holy books, prophets, the day of judgement and belief in predestination. Shia and Sunni are the dominant groups in Islam. Education is made to be a compulsory practice in Islam. Islam has its own political and economic theory and encouraged free trade policy.The economic system in Islam is based on the instructions and orders provided by Allah in Quran. Islam has favored democracy and liberty of thoughts. Muslims have incorporated different languages, arts and law from other religions but they preserved the integrity of Muslim culture and traditions till the end (Bouhdiba, 2003). Work cited: Bouhdiba, Abdelwahab. â€Å"The Different Aspects of Islamic Culture. † Springer Publishers,2003. Kirabaev, N. S. â€Å"Values in Islamic Culture and the Experience of History. † Routledge Publishers, 2000. Murray, Stephen O. â€Å"Islamic: Culture, History and Literature. † Springer Publishers, 2004. .

Saturday, November 9, 2019

RAW essays

RAW essays Different ideas of an institution can be perceived through a particular composers expression. Raw by Scott Monk portray an institute as a place of healing and rehabilitation, through Brett Deltons changes. However One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest directed by Milos Forman, depicts an institution to be; a place for wrongful punishment and misuse of power. Both of the composers use narrative features such as plot, themes, characterisation, attitudes as well as event settings in their texts. In addition, Monk uses linguistic devices: including imagery, sound devices and figurative devices. Whereas Forman uses cinematic techniques such as music, lighting, shot angle and types of shot to reflect his attitude. The two major differences in these texts are the genre and the composers attitude to institutions. The two different types of genre use their own specific techniques as well as the narrative features. In Raw, Monk uses many realistic examples to involve responders in feeling what Brett feels. For example, during his trip from Sydney to Moree, while the two police take breaks along the trip, Brett was left in his boiling steel framed-cage. Without a proper drink and rest, he travelled for twelve hours straight. By using colloquial languages and common rebellious jargon; such as cop are pigs and yeah, Monk was able to bring Bretts feelings to us. Because Monks text is a novel, it is difficult for us to pick out one or two exact words to illustrate his usage of linguistic devises; however, we can generally witness his use of sound devises and imagery to portray his institutional ideas. In cheaper one, Monk begins with a loud bang; this use of onomatopoeia enables responders to generate an aural image in their mind. In addition it grasps our attention creating suspense for what we are about to read (the sentencing of Bretts wrongful deeds). Other imagery u...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Difference Between the UK, Great Britain, and England

Difference Between the UK, Great Britain, and England While many people use the terms ​United Kingdom, Great Britain, and England interchangeably, there is a difference between them- one is a country, the second is an island, and the third is a part of an island. The United Kingdom The  United Kingdom  is an independent country off the northwestern coast of Europe. It consists of the entire island of Great Britain and a northern part of the island of Ireland. In fact, the official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The capital city of the United Kingdom is London and the head of state is currently Queen Elizabeth II. The United Kingdom is one of the founding members of the United Nations and sits on the United Nations Security Council. The creation of the United Kingdom heralds back to 1801 when the unification between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Kingdom of Ireland led to the establishment of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. When southern Ireland gained independence in the 1920s, the name of the modern country then became the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.   Great Britain Great Britain is the name of the island northwest of France and east of Ireland. Much of the United Kingdom consists of the island of Great Britain. On the large island of Great Britain, there are three somewhat autonomous regions: England, Wales, and Scotland. Great Britain is the ninth largest island on Earth and has an area of  80,823 square miles (209,331 square kilometers). England occupies the southeast portion of the island of Great Britain, Wales is in the southwest, and Scotland is in the north. Scotland and Wales are not independent countries but do have some discretion from the United Kingdom with respect to internal governance. England England is located in the southern part of the island of Great Britain, which is part of the country of the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom includes the administrative regions of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. Each region varies in its level of autonomy but all part of the United Kingdom. While England has traditionally been thought of as the heart of the United Kingdom, some use the term England to refer to the entire country, however, this is not correct. While its common to hear or see the term London, England, technically this is also incorrect, as it implies that London is the capital of England alone, rather than the capital of the entire United Kingdom. Ireland A final note on Ireland. The northern one-sixth of the island of Ireland is the administrative region of the United Kingdom known as Northern Ireland. The remaining southern five-sixths of the island of Ireland is the independent country known as the  Republic of Ireland (Eire). Using the Right Term It is inappropriate to refer to the United Kingdom as Great Britain or England; one should be specific about toponyms (place names) and utilize the correct nomenclature.  Remember, United Kingdom (or the U.K.) is the country, Great Britain is the island, and England is one of the U.K.s four administrative regions. Since unification, the Union Jack flag has combined elements of England, Scotland, and Ireland (although Wales is omitted) to represent the unification of constituent parts of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Monday, November 4, 2019

What HR Managers Must Know about Employee Sabotage Dissertation

What HR Managers Must Know about Employee Sabotage - Dissertation Example Attribution theory attaches two types of explanation for things that happened in the above-explained paragraph, i.e. it gives two kinds of explanation: External Attribution and Internal Attribution. Thus the question naturally arises that by knowing the kinds of attribution that people make or subordinates make, in this case, can managers control their behavior? When internal attribution is enforced or rather induced with care it is indeed easy to implement. It happens because when people make an internal attribution for their actions, they also change their attitudes and beliefs about themselves. Thus, the desired behavior follows naturally. What about the use of external attributions? Through rewards and punishments, the actions only follow as long as the reward or punishment matters to the subject. The reward or punishment prevents people from making an internal attribution and thus acquires not an internally motivated habit to produce the desired behavior. Instead, they expect so me external agent to cause their actions.3.0 Perception and Managers Subordinates may feel uncomfortable about the supervisors’ possession of higher power (to make them conform to his views) and most of the time their perspectives are thus more distorted under a sense of oppression. This may reduce right understanding of managers perspective, which is seen as threatening and thus subordinates try not to think in his/her way so as not to be engulfed or â€Å"change† into a person who can be manipulated according to the managers' wishes. Hence, by maintaining a somewhat resistant perspective they feel less overpowered and freer. However, managers may take this stance of positively using their power for effective decision-making, which constitutes rationality of decision, acceptance of the decision by the subordinate and effective time given to make the decision. Positive power held by a manager may also stimulate interest among his/her subordinates to view the organizational work from a newer perspective. Even if that work objective does not coincide with the manager, but may contain the greater interest of the firm or organization, thereby generating greater awareness of the mission.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 44

Journal - Essay Example Whats more that is accurate over all races. Discussing a standout amongst the most striking outcomes of the low marriage rate, the amount of unmarried women who are having kids. Exploration lets us know that in 1980, 18 percent of births were to unmarried ladies, while the number today is a little more than 40 percent. There are inescapable budgetary implications to such an emotional movement. For decades, marriage has been elevated as an approach to battle neediness, especially for ladies with youngsters. The reason why marriages are fizzling is precisely basing on the fact that defective individuals are hopping in for the wrong reasons." On the off chance that that was correct, we ought to be seeing galactically high marriage rates and a custom of marriage that remaining parts solid, coupled with cosmically high separate rates. Anyhow that is not what were seeing. Concerning the reasons behind why relational unions are fizzling appears as though something you only hauled out of flimsy air. "Imperfect individuals" – Everyone is defective in restricted or the other. Marriage, much the same as other social organizations, is still a build of people and is in this manner characterized by every individual desires, childhood, and conviction frameworks. As I would like to think, there are no widespread wrong motivations to get hitched on the grounds that marriage gives diverse profits to distinctive individuals. What one few sees as a wrong motivation to get hitched, an alternate may see as a flawless motivation to wed. Some wed for adoration. Some wed for gang. Some wed for convention. None of these reasons are generally not right. Relational unions are fizzling in light of the fact that an excess of individuals view matrimony the way Gretta Cohn does: as something that ought to be dealt with like a vocation contract; as something that "needs another model" rather than an old one that met